A Perfect Weekend Watch —Review of No Hard Feelings (2023)


IMG_20230812_143855.jpgSource, Fair Use

I've always been a fan of Jennifer Lawrence and seeing her lovely face boldly imprinted on the film poster was all the encouragement I needed to watch it. She's one skilled actress who plays diverse roles and embodies her characters so perfectly hence her numerous accolades. Without saying much, No Hard Feelings (2023) is a romantic comedy but unlike most rom-coms, this one is spectacular and you'll love it too!

The movie focuses on a thirty-two-year-old Uber driver, Maddie (played by Jennifer Lawrence), who lives alone in a house she inherited from her mother. The film begins when her ex-lover brings his tow truck and tows her car away. It's revealed that she's owing taxes and soon her house would be taken away too.

Source: YouTube

Maddie is unable to carry on with her Uber work because of the loss of her car. Then she sees an advert on Craigslist by overprotective, wealthy parents, the Beckers, requesting a lady in her mid-twenties to date their nineteen-year-old, shy and awkward son before he goes off to Princeton college. The compensation was a clean Buick Regal car.

Maddie considers this advertisement but her friends try to dissuade her because she is older than the age stated in the papers. Maddie finds her way to the Beckers house and lets them know that she can do better than a lady in her twenties. The Beckers are convinced and reveal that she gets the car only when she sleeps with their son, Percy.

When Maddie meets Percy for the first time, she begins to have doubts. Will she succeed in dating Percy and opening his eyes to the way of the world?


Director Gene Stupnitsky did an impressive job on this rom-com. The plot is tantalisingly brilliant and almost risky. I mean, a lady in her thirties accepts to take a shy and awkward nineteen-year-old boy's virginity and sexually tutor him is a plot that shockingly calls for attention. Viewers watch with anticipation to see or know if Jennifer Lawrence's character will really go ahead with this plan and actually 'do it' on screen. That's a big teaser and the director and actors pulled it off well.





Talking about modern times and all, if the intention of the Beckers had been fulfilled, I'm not sure how the public would take this. Legally, Percy is an adult and can reasonably make decisions about his sexuality even if it's with an older woman. So I doubt if anyone would rail against this but I very much like how Gene Stupnitsky handled everything. You'll have to watch to understand what I mean. It's simply fantastic and well done.

The acting, character development and cinematography are stellar. The actors impressed me so much, especially Jennifer Lawrence. I've watched most of her films and she's one actress I know always pulls off her roles well. I'm not sure if any other actress would have played this part—sex symbol —better than she did. Even though the subject of sex is a main theme in this film, the witty remarks, clapbacks and humour are well placed and not too vulgar like some romcoms I've seen.

Jennifer's chemistry with Andrew Barth Feldman is convincing. The way their relationship gradually transforms from admiration to genuine friendship is believable. The scenes I enjoy most are the ones where she acts crazy, standing up for herself and fighting for what she wants. It's fun to watch her in action. Also, the landscape and scenery of the Montauk coast are mesmerising to watch.

Overall, No Hard Feelings is a perfect weekend movie for adults to watch at night with a bowl of popcorn. It's R-rated, no children should see this because of language and one or two naked scenes, nothing outrageous though. It's fun, delightful and heartwarming. I'll rate it 4 stars out of 5.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Other images are screenshots from the movie

Posted using CineTV


Your review of this film is very enjoyable, well written and presents us with a fairly thoughtful appreciation of the filmmaking, highlighting, of course, the role of the beautiful leading lady. Best regards, @kemmyb.

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Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.


Thank you so much, @celf.magazine for reading my review. I appreciate your visit and support. 🙂