More music - Leko

So here's another post about the film project that I just might pull off at some point. Until now I have made a script, technical experiments and music.

This post is about music.

The list of Open source software I am using is large: Krita, Blender, Inkscape on the top, but also a lot of other things - lately I have been making music, and as I grew up with sheet music, I have realised that when making arrangements and orchestration I work mush faster in #Musescore than I do in the different sequencers.

Really a great program.


The first song - a punk track with the vocal (me) growling in a self-invented language that is to be used throughout the film - can be heard in my previous post: (press the link Cruststarter)

The piece I will link to here is, like the punk track, not a finished piece. It lacks a whole section, and is a clean export from Musescore. But even so the program works so well that you do get a decent idea what it is supposed to sound like.

It is called Leko (meaning Freedom which is an important theme in the film). The orchestration is flute and piccolo (which I want to have a real flutist to play) Marimba, harp, large bells and strings. Most of it I have to construct on computer, but it will (in theory) be possible to play it with a real orchestra.

Here it is:



This seems like a whole body of works , I'm curious and eager to see how all these eventually pans out. Safe to say myself and other keen observers are keeping our fingers crossed !


It is a large project involving music, cartoon, acting you name. Most of it I will make myself.


The open source tools are pretty good these days. I've not got into writing out music I compose as it tends to be basic chords plus some improvisation. At least with these tools we can hear how it will sound even if we can't play the instruments.

This is very different to the previous piece. Very atmospheric. Lots going on in there and I like it.


I get by only on open source, so even if it isn't always able to compete with commercial products, I make the things lacking part of the work. Making it work is part of the art is another way to say it.

Art have been made for thousands of years without computers, so I actually like to have to think out solutions sometimes. That said some of the open source programs are the industry standards nowadays and it only becomes better with time.

And thanks. This piece is something I have really been learning a lot from. And it's funny and interesting to write music!


I expect a lot of people are still unaware that open source even exists. They just accept that you have to buy (or maybe rent) software from big companies. I am pragmatic about what I use. A lot of apps on my phone are proprietary.

I had a friend who was really into composing, but I have lost touch with him and have not seen updates online. He was also an open source purist who I first met at a Linux user group and I later joined his drumming circle. I expect he would enjoy your work.


Yes, Linux on the desktop and all that is more or less a lost case. I am just happy that I can use it. As for the phone I also have Android, but I am not really a phone person. I often forget it and then my wife calls me on Signal voip to get to me :)


This I like very much. Playful, like freedom. I love the descending melodic lines - those give me chills. Lovely stuff as it is. How much more lovely it would be with a real orchestra.

Love the marimba! Great simulation of the different instruments!


I did take a long time to work with that first theme, sitting at the piano in great doubt :) - it all grew from that. It is in 11/4 time signature and with a lot of sus chords which I love. I am very happy that you hear the it as playful - that was my intention and important for the images that will accompany it.

An orchestra would be beyond my wildest dreams, but with a flutist, some actual work in the sequencer with the voices each on their own, and some more sample machines I guess I will be able to make it sound good.

Normally I do not really like to do things that aren't what they really are. I prefer the artwork to be sort of transparent with each layer visible in its own right. But with this I am "simulating" as I have dreamed this up and now need to have it in.