Are you a Writer? Then Maybe You Should Watch This Movie Titled "A Little White Lie"

I am happy I did not judge this movie by its rating

“The only thing worse than being a writer is not being a writer.”

I assume we all agree to that. And today, I am here to suggest a movie about a writer, that will probably talk to the soul of all writers.

I do not see many movies, not because I do not want to — but because I dont have enough spare time.

I try not to waste my spare time, so to save myself from disappointment and boredom, one of the first elements I use to judge if I will watch a movie or not is its imdb rate. Most of the time, I go for movies that are above 6,5.

But when I saw this movie in the movie list, all I noticed was the word ‘writer’ in its description.

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And then I noticed the rating. This movie had a humble 5.9.

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But I did not care. I wanted to watch it.

I will share my impressions here shortly and then I will provide a short description of the movie below.

My review

The movie starts in a kind-of boring way, but it has a flow that is not stagnant. There are things and discussions happening that keep our interest. There are some funny characters and then we meet the protagonist of the movie. You may find the way he talks a bit slow. (That did not bother me).

If you are looking for a very quick-plot movie, then I don’t recommend it. This movie has some slow moments, but it has good lines, the actors’ performance is good and what I liked the most are the plot twists. You can guess what is going on, but you will probably be wrong — and you will not know the truth until the very end!

The movie — official description

A little white lie is a 2022 comedy film based on a novel by Chris Belden.
Michael Shannon, Kate Hudson, and Don Johnson are the leading actors.

The plot revolves around a handyman living in New York City who is mistaken for a famous and reclusive writer named Shriver.

He is invited to a university where he is supposed to deliver a keynote address at a literary festival. Along the way, he meets Simone, a professor who is a fan of Shriver’s work, and T. Wasserman, a rival writer who suspects his identity. He also has to deal with the real Shriver, who is not happy about the impostor.

You will find nice elements in the movie, and I think that most of you will enjoy this romantic, easy-to-watch and funny movie!

If you have watched it, or if you want to watch it — let me know your thoughts!

(I published this story also on Medium)


The movie seem to be a nice one since it is romantic and funny movie
I’d give it a watch but not soon, lol


Good review on this film which seems to be very interesting, agree with your opinion. The theme of the writer and the impostor is appealing, and treated in comedy mode it turns out more so. Greetings, @katerinaramm.

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Never heard about this one. Looks like a nice movie for a Sunday afternoon, that actor Shannon is always great. If you want to watch a great movie about a writer watch Adaptation from 2002, that one really tells you what it’s like to be a writer; it was the last good movie Nicholas Cage ever did…


I will definitely need to check this movie out. Is it on YouTube also