RE: Gaslighting At Its Peak—Review Of Mothers’ Instinct (2024)

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Hello @kemmyb. I love psycho dramas as well. I'm always trying to figure out who the villain is and why that person or persons are antagonizing others. You gave an excellent summary of the film, so a nice review of the important points in the film. I just switched to a streaming service from satellite, so I'm sure I can locate it.

When you mention the focus on one of the mothers, I instinctively knew the other may be the culprit. Usually, it's an incident in one's past that triggers the other person to reveal it and truly able to attempt to gaslight. But when children are involved, that add a totally different dimension in trying to protect them from harm.

I also love both actresses and will definitely watch this drama to see how they perform. Thanks for sharing.

Take care and have a good rest of your week.


I'm always trying to figure out who the villain is and why that person or persons are antagonizing others.

That's the interesting part that keeps me glued to these types of movies. The intrigue and mystery! Indeed one of the ladies is the culprit and you'll be shocked by how she went about her villainy. 😄 I hope you do watch it. It's a fine movie. Always a pleasure to read your comment. Thanks so much for your visit.


You're welcome. It was my pleasure to read your film summary review. I'll definitely look for this movie because I'm excited to see how the villain plotted and schemed.

Take care.