THE SIX TRIPLE EIGHT - A tear-jerking historical drama
Hi, everyone. This is my first post since after i made my introduction post and it's a pleasure to write here. I'm a movie lover so expect to see me around very often. Now to my review proper.....
“They did not send us because they thought we could do it. We are sent because they are SURE we CANNOT!” ~ Captain Charity Adams
From the stables of Tyler Perry comes this tear-jerking emotional historical drama titled “The Six Triple Eight” (6888th Battalion).
Based on a true story, here’s a film about resilience, determination, tenacity, the fight through discrimination in a supremacist society, segregation, inhumane treatments and conditions, trauma following the loss of loved one(s), pains, grief and forging ahead amidst obstacles.
Indeed, when “America needed hope, they delivered!” They restored hope to families in despair and boosted the morale of soldiers that was already an “all-time low” in the frontlines.
The 6888th Battalion led by Commanding Officer, Captain Charity Adams (Kerry Washington) was the first African-American and only-women-of-colour to serve in the Women’s Army Corp (WAC) to be sent overseas during World War II.
Two worlds would meet when Lena Derriecott (Ebony Obsidian) decides to join the Army after she suffered a grave loss. Ah! I’m inspired to keep my FOCUS.
The costumes, hair, makeup, cinematography, sound score and effects were superbly apt in enhancing the storytelling here. Quite a stellar performance from a greater percentage of the actors for how they interpreted their roles.
Although this movie started off rather slowly as the story build up could easily be a turn off for many who may perceive it as boring, midway through however, once all the characters had been introduced and established, the plot picked right up and became engaging till the very end. So, stick around…don’t touch that dial. Haha.
Kerry Washington and Ebony Obsidian particularly did awesome with their characters. It was believable and relatable. Kerry was so motherly, caring, loving, and compassionate, yet she led the troupe with “stern hands” (such balance!). I would love to see more of Ebony in other projects. She’s an absolute breath of fresh air! A stunner; screen goddess even.
I mustn’t fail to mention the character of Johnnie Mae, played by Shanice Shantay. My goodness! That lady brought an abundance of comic relief to the movie. I was always looking forward to seeing her scenes. She’s incredible.
While I’m not an expert on war matters, the opening war scene did however raise an eyebrow as to how some of the soldiers stood up from their covers in the middle of exchange of gunfires to and from the enemy’s camp exposing themselves more.
Another eye raiser is the lady who played President Roosevelt’s wife. She appeared to have been smiling in scenes that required no smiles. Well, maybe she has one of them default faces.
I loved seeing Oprah Winfrey as she played a cameo role as Mary McLeod Bethune. Her role was very effective and impactful, quite pivotal in pushing the women to what later became their greatness in the face of trials.
I’ll give Tyler Perry his flowers on this one. He spared no penny nor cents in this production, and everything worked out beautifully in bringing history to life, in my opinion. Loved seeing the real-life veterans in the end, especially Lena Derriecott herself, who was about 100 years old before her demise sometime last year. May her gentle soul rest well.
I believe this is one movie that can be enjoyed by the entire family. It is rated PG-13, hence viewers discretion is advised as there are scenes of war violence, some crude languages, and parts that may not be suitable for younger viewers.
Get your tissues ready cause if you’re as emotional as I am, those eyes will get a fair share of tears at some point in this film. It is brilliant, inspiring, entertaining…it is BEAUTIFUL!
God bless our fallen heroes!
This movie is an 8.5/10.