Welcome my dear internet travelers who love violence and thank you very much for having made a temporary stop in my post, there are sagas that do not need an introduction and I consider that John Wick is one of those, its 4th and possible last installment being the one that today brings us together to give us a more than necessary dose of violence, shooting and action. Without further ado, reload your pistols, we are about to begin.
Bienvenidos mis queridos viajeros del internet amantes de la violencia y muchas gracias por haber hecho una parada temporal en mi post, hay sagas que no necesitan presentación y considero que la de John Wick es una de esas siendo su 4ta y posible última entrega la que hoy nos reúne para darnos una dosis más que necesaria de violencia, disparos y acción. Sin más que agregar recarguen sus pistolas que estamos por comenzar.

Property by @Jrjaime

Property by @Jrjaime
John Wick 4 was released this year, directed by Chad Stahelski, produced by Thunder Road Pictures and 87 North Productions, has a duration of 2 hours and 49 minutes. It is an action and adventure film, the story focuses on John's personal crusade against the High Table to get them to grant him the possibility of getting out of that world of murder and death, as is customary in that world everything ends in a rain of bullets and blood through which John must make his way to achieve his goal no matter who stands in front of him.
John Wick 4 fue estrenada este año, dirigida por Chad Stahelski, producida por Thunder Road Pictures y 87 North Productions, cuenta con una duración de 2 horas y 49 minutos. Es un filme de acción y aventuras, la historia se enfoca en la cruzada personal de John en contra de la Alta Mesa para lograr que estos le concedan la posibilidad de salirse de ese mundo de asesinatos y muerte, como es costumbre en ese mundo todo termina en una lluvia de balas y sangre a través de la cual John deberá abrirse paso para poder lograr su objetivo sin importar quien se le ponga en frente.

For more details about the film you can visit the link that I leave from Wikipedia | Para más detalles sobre el filme pueden visitar el link que les dejo de Wikipedia

Property by @Jrjaime
The soundtrack is nice, it gives a good touch to the various confrontations that take place throughout the film, nothing spectacular but not disappointing either.
La banda sonora es agradable, le da un buen toque a los diversos enfrentamientos que se van llevando a cabo a lo largo del filme, nada espectacular pero tampoco nada decepcionante.

Property by @Jrjaime
If there is something that I always keep interesting about this tetralogy, it is the fact that its world expands in a very subtle way, this is brought to the point that details are released little by little that seek to clarify little by little how everything works, In this film, the high positions of the hitman society will be exploited a little more, as well as the level of influence that they have, in turn, other continentals are exposed, which gives it a breath of fresh air that allows the context to not feel monotonous or repetitive.
Si hay algo que siempre a sigo interesante de esta tetralogía es el hecho de que su mundo se va expandiendo de forma muy sutil, esto se lleva al punto de que se van soltando detalles a cuenta gotas que buscan esclarecer poco a poco como funciona todo, en este filme se explotara un poco más a los altos cargos de la sociedad de sicarios así como el nivel de influencia que estos tienen, a su vez, se exponen otros continentales lo que le da un soplo de aire fresco que permite que el contexto no se sienta monótono ni repetitivo.

Property by @Jrjaime
Although the plot follows the pattern of its predecessors to keep it simple, it subtly manages to consolidate the idea that this will be John's epilogue, on the other hand the essence of violence and confrontations remains intact, providing a good dose of action and even some comedy that is very well implemented. The tape has one or another plot twist that, although they are not completely revealing or complex, are well executed, the simplicity fits well when a story of style over substance is exposed.
Si bien la trama sigue el patrón de sus predecesoras de mantenerse sencilla está logra de forma sutil ir consolidando la idea de que esté será el epílogo de John, por otro lado la esencia de violencia y enfrentamientos se mantiene intacta brindando buenas dosis de acción e incluso algo de comedia que se encuentra muy bien implementada. La cinta tiene uno que otro giro argumental que si bien no son completamente reveladores o complejos se encuentran bien ejecutados, la simpleza encaja bien cuando se expone una historia estilo sobre sustancia.

Property by @Jrjaime
The characters have never been a point of exploration in the saga and this film is no exception, the already known characters do not have a really remarkable moment of focus and the same happens with those that are added, the latter only have a short introduction to at least know their names but outside of it there isn't much. John is still the same relentless killer, however in this tape some glimpses of his past are revealed to get to know him a little more, being something that is appreciated.
Los personajes nunca han sido un punto de exploración en la saga y este filme no es la excepción, los personajes ya conocidos no tienen un momento de enfoque realmente destacable y de igual forma sucede con los que son añadidos, estos últimos solo tienen una corta presentación para por lo menos saber sus nombres pero fuera de ello no hay mucho. John sigue siendo el mismo asesino implacable, sin embargo en esta cinta se dejan ver algunos destellos de su pasado para conocerle un poquito más siendo algo que se aprecia.

John Wick 4 is a film that gives a good closure to the saga by keeping things positive and even adding one or two that do not clash, it is a film that is entirely dedicated to violence, blood and cold-blooded murder . It is for all of the above that it deserves 3.5 stars out of 7, if you are lovers of action it is a film that you should not miss for any reason.
John Wick 4 es una cinta que le da un buen cierre a la saga al mantener las cosas positivas e incluso añadir una que otra que no desentonan, es una película que se dedica enteramente a la violencia, a la sangre y al asesinato a sangre fría. Es por todo lo anterior que merece 3.5 estrellas de 7, si son amantes de la acción es un filme que no deben perderse por ningún motivo.

Property by @Jrjaime
My dear travelers hitmen, we have reached the end of another review, if you liked it, I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a positive vote and use the reblog button, I upload content regularly so if you do not want to miss it, I invite you to start following me so that you are aware of my updates. If you want me to review something specific, you can leave a suggestion below in the comment box and I will gladly dedicate a post to it as soon as I can. Without further ado, thank you very much for reading, I send you a big hug from a distance and remind you that you have the strength of your greatness, giving you your support, you just have to take the helm and set a course, I hope we meet again when you decide make another temporary stop in one of my future posts.
Mis queridos viajeros sicarios hemos llegado al final de otra reseña, si fue de su gusto agradecería mucho que dejasen un voto positivo e hiciesen uso del botón reblog, subo contenido de forma regular por lo que si no desean perdérselo los invito a que comiencen a seguirme para que estén al tanto de mis actualizaciones. Si desean que reseñe algo en concreto pueden dejar la sugerencia abajo en la caja de comentarios y con gusto le dedicaré una publicación apenas pueda. Sin más que agregar muchas gracias por haber leído, les mando un fuerte abrazo desde la distancia y les recuerdo que tienen la fuerza de su grandeza dándoles su apoyo solo tienen que tomar el timón y fijar un rumbo, espero que nos tomemos de nuevo cuando decidan hacer otra parada temporal en uno de mis futuros posts.

Property by @Jrjaime
In case you were wanting more | Por si quedaste con ganas de más

Property by @Jrjaime

All the images used to make this post that have no source are my property being taken, created and / or edited partially or totally by me using the Gimp program, those that are not of my authorship will have their respective source at the end. The screen shots shown in the post were taken by me while watching the series, however, these remain with their respective authors.
Todas las imágenes utilizadas para hacer este post que no tienen fuente son de mi propiedad siendo tomadas, creadas y/o editadas parcial o totalmente por mi utilizando el programa Gimp, aquellas que no son de mi autoría tendrán al final su respectiva fuente. Las capturas de pantalla mostradas en el post fueron tomadas por mi mientras veía la serie sin embargo estas siguen perteneciendo a sus respectivos autores.

Cover photo | Foto de portada, Logo, Crane, Hand with pen, Yugi, Edward chibi, Edward Child, Edward young, Edward bleeding, Naruto chibi, Goku chibi, Jesper, Hand with a tablet, Sound system & Trigun
I've written before that I think that this series has run its course and it is time for them to wrap things up. It is still entertaining but there are only so many ways that Keanu can kill dozens of people at once before it just starts to be the same thing over and over again. I hope they don't make another one and if you've seen the film, you already know why that likely will end up being the case.
I understand what you mean by the fact of repeating the formula and it is a very logical opinion, the films that already exist by Wick are more than enough, to continue releasing more installments of the saga will only burn and displease; As far as I know, there won't be any more movies in the saga, what I did read was that there would be a spin-off called "Continental" which seems interesting. Thank you very much for reading and leaving a comment, I send you a big hug from a distance. 💜🤗
I have also heard about a spinoff and that could end up being worthwhile. Let's hope they don't botch it the way that USA seems so consistent in doing with most things that they do lately.
The saga is kept at a good pace, so I see it as unlikely that something like this will happen, the only thing left to do is wait.
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