Fire in the Sky/Fuego en el cielo [ENG]/[ESP]

Hello Friends,🎞 This film is about an event that happened in real life in 1975 and was filmed in 1993 a man disappeared for 5 days in the Arizona forest where his friends had to go through many circumstances since the town where they suspected he had been murdered. Still, the truth is that the events were different where in this film his experience that night he disappeared is told, marking him for life.

Hola, Amigos🎞 Esta pelicula trata de un hecho que sucedio en la vida real de 1975 y filmada en 1993 en donde un hombre se desaparecio por 5 dias e el bosque Arizona donde sus amigos tubieron que pasar por muchas circustancias ya que el pueblo de donde supechaban que le habian asesinado pero lo cierto es que los hechos fueron otros donde se cuanta en esta pelicula su experiencia de es noche en que desaparecio marcandolo de por vida.


Travis Walton was a lumberjack who worked for a company as a foreman and worked with his friend who lived with his wife and children. He had to work hard to pay his house expenses and support his family. Travis, like every young man, had dreams and inspirations, telling him everything to his friend.

Travis walton fue un leñador que trabajaba para una compañía como capatas y trabajaba con su amigo compañero que vivía con su esposase hijos tenia que trabajar duro para pagar los gastos de su casa y mantener a su familia,Travis como todo joven tenia sueños y inspiraciones contándole todo a su amigo.

One day they had to finish a job and collect wood to fulfill the contract and Travis went to help his friend in the forest along with three more colleagues who were in charge of the work of lumberjacks, that day they had a hard day of work where they Late afternoon, as the sun was setting, it became night and they had to return to the town.

un dia tenían que terminar un trabajo y recolectar madera para cumplir con el contrato y travis fue ayudar a su amigo en el bosque junto a tres mas compañeros se encargaban de el trabajo de leñadores , ese día tuvieron un duro día de trabajo donde se le hizo tarde ya cayendo el sol se le hizo de noche y ya tenían que regresar al pueblo.



At night, the entire group of companions were driving along the road. They realized that something strange was seen on the horizon. You were like fire. Everyone thought that the mountain was burning, but one of them, who was Travis, was the most curious. The others were Scared and confused, Travis told his friend to stop, and he stopped right next to where that bright red light emitted by something unknown to them, even though Travis got out of the truck, he stood under that object. The friends were yelling at him, to go back to the car. Return to the car Travis was not paying attention.

ya de noche por la vía estaban conduciendo todo el grupo de compañeros se percatan de que algo raro se veía en el horizonte ere como el fuego todos pensaron que se estaba quemando la montaña pero uno de ellos que era travis ere el mas curioso los demás estaban asustado y confundidos,Travis le dijo a su amigo detente, y se detuvo justo el lado de donde esa luz roja y brillante emitida por algo desconocido para ellos aun travis bajandose de la camioneta se pone debajo que aquel objeto los amigos le gritaban vuelve al auto Vuelve al auto Travis no hacia caso.



Suddenly the unimaginable happened, a powerful light lifted Travis through the air, throwing him unconscious to the ground. The frightened friends did not know what to do. They thought he was dead and out of fear they left him there abandoned on that ground. Once they moved away, they began to practice what they did. that they saw and decided to go back to look for it since they had left it there but when they checked the place they realized that it was not there, they had taken it.

De repente paso lo inimaginable un potente luz levanta a Travis por el Aire tirándolo inconsciente al suelo los amigo asustados no sabían que hacer pensaron que estaba muerto y del susto lo dejaron allí abandonado en aquel terreno , una ves se alejaron se pusieron a practicar de lo que vieron y decidieron volver a buscarlo ya que lo habían dejado allí pero al revisar el lugar se dieron cuenta que no estaba se lo habían llevado.

Once that happened, they went to the commissioner and were told that their friend had been kidnapped for something that they did not know was why the commissioner doubted that his story was true. So for them, it would be a nightmare since no one would believe what these five men had experienced.

una ves ocurrido eso fueron donde el comisario y les avisaron que su amigo había sido raptado por algo que ellos no sabían que era por lo que el comisario dudaron de que su historia fuera cierta. por lo que para ellos empresaria un pesadilla ya que nadies les creería lo que habían experimentado estos cinco hombres.


They were taken and subjected to the truth machine test but before that an arduous search had begun in the area where he had disappeared and where there were no traces of anything or evidence, after that came the truth machine tests but the tests were inconclusive which left more questions than answers and possibly the 4 men would go to jail.

Fueron llevados y sometidos a la prueba de la maquina de la verdad pero antes había empezado una ardua búsqueda por el área donde había desaparecido donde no había rastros de nada ni evidencias, luego de eso vinieron las pruebas de la maquina de verdad pero las pruebas fueron no concluyentes lo cual dejo mas preguntas que respuestas y posiblemente irían a la cárcel los 4 hombres.


The 5 days of searching passed and he only waited for a call to Travis's friend's house to let him know that his friend was fine and that he had been left at the gas station naked and dehydrated. Immediately, his friend went to look for him along with His wife, and Travis's brother, which was true, had appeared. The man was in a very disoriented and confused state about what had happened to him 5 days before.

Pasaron los 5 días de búsqueda y espera solo una llamada a la casa de el amigo d Travis fue lo que le hizo saber que su amigo estaba bien y que había sido dejado en estación de gasolina desnudo y deshidratado inmediatamente su amigo fue a buscarlo junto a su esposa y el el hermano de travis lo que era cierto había aparecido el hombre estaba en un estado muy desorientado y confundido de lo que le había pasado 5 días antes.

Travis Experience

What this man experienced was a trauma that would mark him for the rest of his life and what had happened is that this man was abducted by Aliens or unknown intelligences which would cause him a very traumatic experience. According to his experience, these beings had performed medical and reproductive experiments on him with instruments for analysis and studies by these creatures, leaving him traumatized and without remembering anything of what he was or what happened to him, he could only remember it with hypnosis or hypnotic regression.

Experiencia de Travis

Lo que este hombre experimento fue un trauma que lo marcaría para el resto de su vida y lo que había pasado es que este hombre fue abducido por Extraterrestres o inteligencias desconocidas lo que le causaría un experiencia muy traumática . Según su experiencia estos seres le había realizado experimentos médicos y reproductivos con instrumentos para análisis y estudios por parte de esas criaturas dejándolo traumatizado y sin recordar nada de lo que fue o lo que le paso , solo lo podía recordar con una hipnosis o regresión hipnótica.




In conclusion of my personal opinion

This story was real, the phenomenon is real and so much so that this movie was filmed to tell this experience of what a person abducted and taken against his will experienced, as far as I am concerned, we are creatures who live in a remote planet and knowing that the universe is very large and other civilizations exist, knowing that we are the object of other intelligence's study is something incredible.

En Conclusion de mi opinion personal

Esta historia fue real el fenomeno es real y tanto asi que se filmo esta pelicula para relatar esta experiencia de lo que vivio una persona abducida y llevada en contra de su voluntad, en lo que a mi respecta es que somos unos criaturas que vivimos en un remoto planeta y saber que el universo es muy grande y existe otras civilizaciones saber que somos objeto de su estudio de otras inteligencia es algo increible.

I hope you like it I invite you to see this movie and will keep your eyes on the screen.

Espero les guste te invito a verla te mantendra los ojos puestos en la pantalla

image: screenshots taken from my screen
image editor
front page: Photo-Scape editor

Reparto actors: DB Sweeney, Robert Patrick, Craig Sheffer
Título original: Fire in the Sky (Fuego en el Cielo
Año /Year : 1993
🎞Picture fim: Paramount


Wow... Alien abduction. That's crazy. I am glad his friends didn't go to jail because they found him.