Mr. Harrigan's Phone | Movie Review | Netflix ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Today I bring you this film and it seems to me that this is a work that should be talked about no matter what. So let's go there but without going too far.

To begin with, this movie is based on a book by Stephen King. We all know this writer and we know his favorite genre to write in, he is certainly renowned so expectations are quite high and from my point of view, he does not disappoint. Unfortunately, I have not read this work but today I started watching the movie and in fact in the credits I found out that it was based on the book by this author, but I thought it was a very good movie worth sharing.

Hoy les traigo esta película y me parece que esta es una obra de la cual se debe hablar sí o sí. Así que vamos allá pero sin extendernos mucho.

Para empezar esta película está basada en un libro de Stephen King. Todos conocemos a este escritor y sabemos su genero preferido para escribir, ciertamente tiene renombre así que las expectativas son bastante altas y desde mi punto de vista, no decepciona. Lamentablemente, no he leído esta obra pero hoy me puse a ver la película y de hecho en los créditos fue que me enteré que estaba basada en el libro de este autor, pero me pareció una muy buena película digna de compartir.


Mr. Harrigan's Phone is described as a Drama/Horror movie; However, it is a classification that I could say is more faithful to the mystery because of everything that happens, not to mention that there are events that do not have an explanation, they just happen.

El teléfono del señor Harrigan, la describen en como una película de Drama/Terror; sin embargo, es una clasificación de la cual yo podría decir que es más fiel hacia el misterio por todo lo que sucede, sin mencionar que hay hechos que no tienen una explicación, solo suceden.


And now, we will delve into what this film is about.

It begins with the story of a boy (Craig), he is a young man who had a very united and loving family until he was left without a mother. Religiously he and his father attend church, there Craig meets an elderly billionaire, yes, Mr. Harrigan.

Y ahora sí, nos adentraremos en lo que trata esta película.

Empieza con la historia de un niño (Craig), es un joven que se ha tenía una familia muy unida y amorosa hasta que se quedó sin madre. Religiosamente él y su padre asisten a la iglesia, allí Craig conoce a un anciano multimillonario, sí, el Señor Harrigan.


Mr. Harrigan and Craig become friends, they have a friendship for a couple of years. Everything is very quiet until Mr. Harrigan dies and Craig discovers that he can communicate with him from the grave.

El Señor Harrigan y Craig se hacen amigos, tienen una amistad por un par de años. Todo es muy tranquilo hasta que el Señor Harrigan muere y Craig descubre que puede comunicarse con él desde la tumba.


Just reading it makes your hair stand on end, right? Communicate with someone after death? Crazy, however, this doesn't talk about the Ouija board and it doesn't delve much into the supernatural either. But as we well know, this writer is well recognized for the darkness that he brings to all of his works.

To me it seemed like a movie that is worth watching because it manages to keep you attentive throughout the entire story, you don't really get bored and you are always waiting for what could happen, it gives you that feeling of being attentive because otherwise you could miss something good . And continuing with what I said at the beginning, I wouldn't classify it as horror because everything happens quite soft and light, so it's not something that will make you scared shitless. Although we should because it is not normal to communicate with a dead person. This work is quite complete, it shows us the facets of the human being, how one day we can be good and the next day be bad. I can't imagine how wonderful the letters are in this book, I would like to read it later.

Solamente de leerlo te pone los pelos de punta, ¿verdad? ¿Comunicarte con alguien después de la muerte? Una locura, sin embargo, esto no habla de la ouija y tampoco se adentra mucho en lo sobrenatural. Pero como bien sabemos, este escritor es bien reconocido por esa oscuridad que le pone a todas sus obras.

A mí me pareció una película que merece la pena ver porque logra mantenerte atento durante toda la historia, realmente no te aburres y siempre estás a la expectativa de qué podría suceder, te da como esa sensación de estar atento porque sino podría perderte de algo bueno. Y continuando con lo que decía al inicio, no la clasificaría como terror porque todo sucede bastante suave y ligero, entonces no es algo que te haga asustarte hasta cagarte de miedo. Aunque deberíamos porque no es normal comunicarse con un muerto. Esta obra es bastante completa nos muestra las facetas del ser humano, como un día podemos estar bien y al otro estar mal, lo que es ser bueno y ser malo. No me imagino lo maravilloso de las letras que hay dentro de este libro, me gustaría luego leerlo.


Nice review on this, but I am pausing my movie till after my examination, but Keep making review while I add them to my watch list😁😁


Oh that list is getting bigger


Sure it is, with time I will finish them all


I love Stephen King. With that being said, I am going to watch this out.


Do it! It's interesting to watch


I saw the trailer of this movie last year and although I'm a lover of horror movie, I didn't feel inclined to watch this and it's probably because it didn't give the same vibe as other popular horror movies I love like the conjuring and the Nun. But overall, it seems like a good movie (judging purely from your review) and I will have to add it to my watch list in Netflix


Isn't horror actually, I would say mystery....