Such A Strange Feeling...

Something I did from time to time on my journey here on the blockchain was sharing my thoughts about....Life.

Sure, the bulk of my content over the years was about crypto, building brands on chain and the excitement I had for what was being built here. But every now and again, I just wanted to talk...

Get my thoughts about life out there, a journal entry of sorts I guess :)

So here's the scoop....

I'm a huge science fiction fan. If you could could put me in a room and say I could only choose 3 movies for the rest of my life to watch over and over again....They would be of the science fiction genre.

And I'm not picky either....Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Interstellar, Blade Runner....You name it, I love it all. And there was one movie that essentially defined my child hood memories when it came to science fiction and that was.....Dune.

I'm talking the 1984 version too. And while the majority of people and critics seem to dislike it, I loved it. Every single second of it. Then came the Dune mini-series in the early 2000's and that was just on another level for me as well.

I was hooked on the franchise and just loved the entire lore and canon of the Dune 'known' universe (sci fi nerds see what I just did there???? lol)

Anyways, in 2021 Dune Part One was released and pretty decent reviews. And I did enjoy it. While not the complete Dune story in one film like the 1984 version, this updated 'reboot' was supposed to become the new science fiction juggernaut of our time.

Dune Part Two was released last week to incredible reviews, and I decided to go see it in a local theatre here in the town I'm working in.

I was supposed to love this film.

The reviews, the critics, social media, even close friends of mine said it was incredible. And it was, don't get me wrong. However, right now in my life....I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I should have...

Huh? Wait a minute.....That makes no sense.

So.....Here's the skinny. I'm a born again Christian. You guys know by the posts I've been writing over the past month and a bit. My entire job is now centered in my church. And God has become, pretty much, my entire focus in my life these days.

But the 'world' snuck up on me, and here I was, sitting in a movie theatre, supporting Hollywood. Which is about as corrupt and evil an industry as there gets. But this isn't some holier than thou post. Because I love movies. I love being entertained. However my true 'entertainment' these days, isn't found in a theatre.

You know where it's found.....For me at least ;) That's in my relationship with my Lord and Savior.

Urgh this is such a weird post for me to write but I just felt like I had to put it on paper if that makes sense....

I kept hearing about the 'worldly stuff' will become bitter the more you approach God...And I get it now. Watching this movie, which by all accounts I should have loved every minute of it, just didn't....Do anything for me.

At the end of it, I just felt like I wasted 3 hours of my day lol

So weird....It wasn't a guilty feeling. It's not a holier than thou feeling. It's just a blah feeling while I spent an evening watching a Hollywood flick.....

All I wanted to do was to get back to my hotel room and read some scripture and watch a sermon or two. So weird lol

Pretty crazy how your life can change, and things you once loved, you don't anymore....I'm running with this though lol As weird as it may seem, or for anyone that is actually reading this....But I'm thankful that these days, I am finding more joy in my relationship with Jesus.

Thanks for reading this blog post. I know this is most definitely one of the stranger ones I've ever written :)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice! You are science fiction addicted, so I think you are also fond of chines si-fi movies? Si-fi movies are so strange and take us another world.


This week I read something about how we tend to think that our future selves, 10 or 20 years from now, will be very much like we are today. The truth is, however, we'll probably be as different as we are from our past selves from 10 or 20 years ago.

Glad you're enjoying life, your job and your spiritual journey. Miss The Crytpo Maniacs Poscast.


We change over time. As much as we want to stay the same lol


It's weird and things change over time. Maybe down the line, you might rewatch it and like it more. I just think that things just happen in life.


Yeah, growing older too. My priorities have changed up.


Same here. I believe things in sci-fi movies will be real in the future, some of them already been.


There is a lot to be hopeful for in them, but a lot to be worried about as well.


I think evolution does that too. That which we used to find very interesting, now becomes bland or quite average. For me, I sometimes see it as looking at the same thing from a different point of view. It can be very revealing in some cases, asking ourselves questions like how were we able to find this interesting before?


It's weird because of how much I enjoyed the 1984 version and the mini series. But this was just meh to me.


It is really necessary to be sharing one feelings and thought. People can actually be of help


The Bible says old things are past away and everything has become new. So it's like that. I'm beginning to redefine my life too and some of the things I used to do, I no longer do them anymore as a born again.


Die to self daily for sure. Put on new clothes and new life.


Since your entire work is now based in the church, die it mean that you read and also listen to the word of God everyday


I think I watched the original version and I want to say I read the books when I was younger, but I don't remember a lot about the plot or any of it now. When something is remade for about the third time I tend to not really care too much about it. Speaking of SciFi movies, I still remember the way I felt coming out of Stargate after seeing it in the theater. It was mind blowing for me and I had seen ever Star Trek and Star Wars movie in the theater up to that point (except the first star wars. I wasn't alive yet). My tastes in what I find entertaining have definitely changed as I get older.


Yeah the books get really weird. I think they should stop at Dune: Messiah. Because after that, they get super weird lol


Dune is fairly neutral on religion beyond warning of the dangers of hero worship. But I get you. I find most movies to be wastes of time these days. They do their best to attract us with sex, violence, jump scares and jump cuts every 5 seconds to get our dopamine flowing, swelling epic music telling us how we are suppose to feel, etc.

Honestly, this is why I prefer older movies.

I do really like the 1984 version of Dune. In many ways I think it's much truer to the book than the recent Dune was (I haven't seen part 2 yet, just speaking of the first).


I loved the 1984 version. Not sure why there was so much hate with it. It played a big part of my childhood memories lol


Obviously I strongly believe the effort during the day was not actually wasted. It was to some extent worth it


I have to say that I have read all the Dune books and I won't destroy the "films" in my head by watching the movie. I have always been disapointed when books where but into movies and I tend to appreciate the whole thing much more in the form of a book...


Maturity is sometimes a funny thing... I know what it's like. At a certain moment we are so focused on something, liking everything about it and as time passes, that desire, that curiosity in something specific simply disappears.

Well, I hope I never stop liking Science Fiction films because I really like them, but the future only belongs to God and he knows things.

The older we get, some things we leave behind. I think this is something natural for humans. You are just changing your priorities and tastes :)


Wow you are on the right track