4 Steps To Superior Personal Growth


The new year is here!

The 'resolutions' will be seen and heard for the first few weeks of the year, but here's a fun experiment to test out....

Check back on everyone talking about 'new year, new me' around the second week in February, and see how they are doing.... Now this post isn't designed to attack any one or their resolutions, in fact it's designed to help us all....Hit the targets we set for ourselves!

Personal growth is a choice!

And if we equip ourselves with the right tools and mindset, we can accomplish anything we put our minds to! So let's develop a real plan together for growth on this platform in the new year....

The graphic above is going to outline how we are going to attack our personal growth this year...Using this model, we will still be fired up in February, while the majority of the creators out there will be fighting to stay motivated.

Let's dive in:

The Seed!

This is the 'root' of our growth strategy and it's exactly what you think it is...This is your idea, this is your dream, this is your reason for showing up each and every day and putting in the work.

The best advice to discovering your 'seed' is to ask yourself this question....If you could do something, without getting paid for it, for the next few months.....What would it be?

Your passion! Write this down, focus on this and always remember that when you 'plant' your seed....It's going to grow. The issue is, will it grow into a fruitful endeavour, or will it be a weed that just takes up space in your life. The nurturing you do, determines what will grow!

The Sunshine!

I came up with this concept years ago, and I think it fits this analogy perfectly. We know we need 'sunshine' to help our seed growth...So what do we do, to make sure the sunshine shines bright on our dreams and goals.

Write down 3 tasks you will accomplish today that will help you reach your goal. And do these things, without missing a beat! An example for me would be:

My Goal - 150,000 $LEO

My 3 Tasks:

  • Create a long form pice of content on LEO

  • Dollar cost average & buy 100 LEO

  • Engage with Threads & be visible

Here's the trick to adding 'sunshine' to your plan....Make these tasks achievable. This will generate enthusiasm and confidence for your journey!

The Soil!

Not only does your seed need sunshine to grow, without a solid foundation (the right soil) things won't go as planned....

What do I mean?

Surround yourself with people (a community) that celebrates you! Be around people that encourage you, lift you up and aren't the Negative Nancy gang!

One poke around this blockchain, you'll find them....Complaining about everything. Get as far away from these people as you can. Don't engage them at all. Your foundation should be like minded people that are BUILDING!

All you need to do for this step, is take one look around the platform.....You'll find the super stars, and pay attention to what they do! This is the right environment for growth!

The Water!

And finally, the magic formula....

You need to 'food' to make this all stick together. Without the 'water', absolutely nothing with grow. And what does 'water' represent in our little plan here?

Become a student in the university of self-education!

What might this look like?

Want to become a developer? Learn everything you can about it!

Want to be an expert in crypto? Study absolutely everything you can about the tokens you love!

Want to write better blogs? Take a course or read books about writing.

Essentially, fill your mind with information and skills that will help your personal growth! And remember this key fact about the 'watering' step....

We each get 1440 minutes a day! What we choose to do with those minutes, determines our future. For me the answer is simple.....Learn everything I can, about my passion.....My 'seed'!

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And the platform you. Choose to grow in is the fertilizer. Amazing read. Thank you and happy new year!


Agreed! That's the secret sauce for sure :)


Great ideas as always just like you 5-500-5000 formula. I have been reading your journey and I am always amazed how you have been successful now starting from the rock bottom. Indeed, you are incredible. Happy New Year! Blessings to you and have a prosperous 2024! !PIZZA


Thanks so much! I hope people see that you don't need deep pockets or be in with the good ol' boys on chain to succeed. Literally, showing up over time and putting in thw work always wins!


Indeed, being consistent and persistent often succeeds along with the passion to go on no matter how rough the journey is. And yes, it always feels so good to be with like-minded people who have goals too and celebrate with every small wins. I commend you for this valuable insight based on your real-life experiences.


I have gone through your post.
Believe me you are telling us reality.
Many people here on hive are publishing their post about new year.
But unfortunately most of us will not be motivated whole year.
Infact I think a human being cannot be motivated all the time.
We should be connected to those people who are on consistant and regularly engaging themselves.
I believe the only way to success here on hive is to be consistant, original and quality content and show engagement.


We can get inspiration from anywhere and anyone...But motivation, comes from within.


It's like the perfect thing for Hive. We are all around here and even reading blogs here can teach us a lot. Happy new year.


Agreed! Generally 99% of the people I've met on chain, add a ton of value to each other. A few negative nancies don't spoil it. Happy new year to you and yours!!


Surround yourself with people (a community) that celebrates you!

This is true. People rub their habits on you and the success and growth gets clarity. So if you are stuck then find the successful people and keep pushing yourself ahead. I can see leo can be a good motivator and also the people giving each other idea on what not to do, that can save you a lot of time in life.


And I know how suffocating it can be, to surround yourself with people that just keep complaining about things all the time. Best thing about LEO too, everyone generally is pretty excited lol A few Grumpies around but overall, it's a great community.


I guest that you got and formulate a good formula for this year 2024, Wishing you all a goodluck this year🤗 greetings


I had seen many 4 steps of personal improvement but none like these.
I hope you have a fantastic start to the year!


Hope it's of value and people can put them into practice!


Yo voy a plantar mi semilla para llegar a 570 HP lo más rápido..


I had not seen it from that point of view and I liked it, what I apply is to divide the goal into SMART objectives and if it is a long term goal and I see that the time is coming and I have not achieved it, I rethink the goal, all to move forward and not get frustrated along the way.


For sure, all goal setting ends up touching on SMART goals. It's just a solid way to plan them out!


Whatever we want to become, we have to keep practicing to make sure that we are better at it. Thank you for this motivation
I wish you a happy new year


Agreed! Practice makes perfect, it really does :) Happy new year as well!


Personal growth is really key and I strongly believe that no matter what.


And it's a choice. It's something we can control!


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I really like the concept of this growth and I will try to apply it most especially this year


I'd like to see you hit 100k HP. You don't have far to go.

Have a great year.



Yeah not far off now. Hoping to get there soon!


We're getting close to 200 people in the 100k club. I hope to see the numbers grow this year.


It is not easy to grow plants well, you have to water them on time and you have to take care of many things, then they start growing well.


Just joined the Town Hall.

I loved this post @jongolson, it's pretty on point as far as how to keep focused on your goal. And I really like the analogies in gardening.

I'm going to keep this one on hand to refer to from time to time when I drift away from my dream.

Thanks for creating this, it's inspiring for sure!!!!


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I was just reading it casually but it got to a point I had to take my pen and jotter to note down some points.

It's always great going through your blog