Thoughts after the HiveBeeCon in Kraków, Poland

A lot has been written down already after HiveBeeCon, thus I want to focus on different aspect of the event and Hive events in general - instead of describing my personal experience of meeting great folks. Which, of course was great and stimulating, I want to look towards future of Hive events and Hive in general. Come and join me.


HiveBeeCon turned out to be a great way to connect and glue the Hive community together. This is as much as important as announcing technical breakthroughs and reaching out outside of Hive. It's the vibrant community that is so unique in Hive and we should celebrate and advertise this feature.

However, there's one thing I miss in Hive events - reaching out to business.
HiveBeeCon was more of a event for the community members than for outsiders, but HiveFest should show quite different approach.

Everyone is entitled to criticism, but I want my bit to bring some additional value. Maybe before next HiveFest the community will figure it out so that other Hive events might do the same.

During few of the conversations I had my interlocutors and I agreed on that we need to find a way to advertise Hive to business.
To introduce business approach to Hive dApps.

Lots of dApps are created and managed by tech savvy people to whom technical solutions might be more important than user friendlyness and business model. Introducing entrepreneurs and their expertise might result in improving all layers of Hive ecosystem.


It's easier said than done

It doesn't mean we should give in at the beginning and not try.

After the HiveBeeCon, I imagine the situation where some business person saw us and considered some of the attendees have tens of thousands of dollars at their disposal thanks to Hive, and at the same time nobody would be trying to sell him/her anything. There was no crypto shilling, no pump and dump schemes, no dreams about moons and mass adoption, there was no nft selling... I hope you grasp the difference I want to describe.

Adding to that, imagine this person's face when told that a project without CEO or any other central authority not only survived the hostile acquisition, but was able to provide foundations for enterprises (like Splinterlands) and is able to pull out people out of poverty.


This is a comment by @xplosive under this @taskmaster4450 post.

I'm sure business-minded person would be interested how to use this ecosystem to their advantage. To build a business model upon Hive's infrastructure.

I know it's hard. I've been trying to pitch Hive to Stakecube - CEX that went bankrupt but us trying to pay users back. Even though, we would gi with them listing bHive they're don't want to listen to arguments that Hive can create additional revenue streams for them and would allow them 5o sell new products. Crypto sphere isn't the perfect example of reliance

On the other hand, we may also attract mission-minded people like 'eco' people by showing them what Hive communities have achieved in Ghana. Especially in these days of climate change. Imagine Hive being a centre for fighting with deforestation in Ghana creating lasting solution to Sahara desert expansion southwards (I think that boreholes are only a temporary solution and there is a Green Wall project for Subsaharan countries or Paani Foundation in India that are aimed at permanent revitalisation).

Let's all think of someone who might get invited to next events. I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to create a list of businessmen for which we will make a presentation about Hive when they attend meetup or Fest. We shall have a small meetup in Katowice this year and we'll try discussing this issue.

Having this chance now, I want to thank @gtg and @hallmann for making this meetup the reality - I guess the community grew only stronger and the ideas we exchanged will bear fruit thanks to opportunity the HiveBeeCon provided.

See you all next time!


Hive meet ups are important because of reasons you mentioned and beyond. Hivebeecon was different because it was very social.
But it also stimulated a lot of interesting conversations and blue plans.
One of my favorite conversation was surrounding terminology. There are certain words which could be unproductive. Then again certain kinds of approach should be made exclusive for businesses and certain approaches for community building. They can seem as one, but are very different.
I feel like meetups add an extra layer of bonding that starts from the chain.
At the same time, I agree, that an attempt should be made to reach out to others or let outsiders reach us. A start is what valueplan is trying. However, I think that hive meetups that host or invite other businesses, host dev conferences, invite community leaders of different locations, and such could grow the reach.

It was a pleasure meeting you. I wish I could pick your brain even more. But that's why we need to meet more 😉


Get a signal app and let's create a permanent line 😂


Thank you. Just a note - HiveBeeCon, now with a name and logo, is growing and shaping its vision. It started as a meetup for friends and beautiful souls on Hive, but it's becoming more. We're not just doing local meetups but also planning developer workshops, hackathons, and trying to help businesses with Hive solutions. It’s all a work in progress and exciting to see where it will go :-)


Really happy to hear that man, this event totally deserves to become an annual tradition. I just hope the super friendly, cozy and family like atmosphere of the first meet up will stay :) Oh and the location could stay as well, both Krakow and KBK :) I just hope that the official HiveFest wouldn´t view HiveBeeCon as a competition. I think there is a room for both of these...


WOW, love to read this since this is what we need in the HIVE ecosystem. May I suggest to add also the element of helping the tech peeps doing business? I mean, the largest part of a successful service is anything else than the tech itself. Obviously in Internet services, the tech is important, but such service needs to be run as a business whether this is in a centralised or decentralised setup. I feel many of the teams running services at HIVE, arent equipped with the right knowledge regarding all the business aspects. I may be wrong though 🙃

trying to help businesses with Hive solutions

What is behind this idea? To support onboarding of other crypto and perhaps non-crypto businesses? Like B2B sales, marketing and Tech integrations?


a project without CEO or any other central authority not only survived the hostile acquisition, but was able to provide foundations for enterprises (like Splinterlands) and is able to pull out people out of poverty.

Steem Monster/Splinterlands is really a good example. It was one of my favorite games in the past. Especially in 2019.

We need much more similar examples (real use cases) for the Hive blockchain to have a successful platform.

For example real video games. Even 3D video games. Both for desktop and for mobile too.

For example imagine a 3D virtual world, where you can use Hive, Hive Dollars (HBD) and/or other cryptocurrency to buy and sell things, places, advertisement places, etc.


The reason I mentioned it was that even though they use Hive decentralised infrastructure, they run a centralised and business focused project. It's a showcase of Hive capabilities


HiveBeeCon was more of a event for the community members than for outsiders, but HiveFest should show quite different approach.

Actually HiveBeeCon was more for outsiders than any HiveFest... ;) More than 20% of participants did not have an account or had one but never used it. Moreover, there were no tickets and anyone could come. There is no space for casuals on HiveFest. I remember the 2018 event, I even came to Krakow but the programme was so arranged that I didn't manage to meet anyone from #polish.


You hit the nail right in the middle!

The business aspects seem to be totally missing with most of the services on HIVE.
We can argue if HIVE should focus on being a social network, and content store solution (incl video and other types of documents when 3Speak is ready), or it should be a chain that onboards all sorts of other types of dApps, but regardless, the business aspect is so much needed.

I think HIVE ecosystem can do with some kinda of accelerator program. In the fiat world, such programs are everywhere to support (startup) businesses in all sorts of aspects the team may not have sufficient knowledge and experience with. Like legal, like 'how to build a business model', like accounting.


You hit the nail right in the middle!

Only because of our conversation! I'm still a huge supporter of decentralised projects, but it doesn't mean Hive isn't in need of businesses targeted ones.
We all know that none business-minded project would be decentralised (f.e. because such project is not truly yours and can be hijacked any time).
Accelerator might sound like a good idea, but I'm from Poland and I know how these accelerators 'work'. What if we (apart from DHF or as a DHF reform) created a Joint venture program, in which DHF or other funds would be released, but in exchange for shares or a share in profits.


I do like the concept of decentralisation a lot as well, don't get me wrong here. I even think from a more or less centralised approach, decentralised services can be created. Even in a fully decentralised setup, I believe new services can be created. Though I think the decentralised governance shall be different, not like at HIVE, or many of the other L1 chains. In the end, the concept and culture of leaders stepping up and pulling an idea from A to Z is required, whether the governance is centralised or decentralised.

To bridge to the fiat world, one needs most likely a centralised Ltd type of company, to be able to sign legally binding agreements and contracts. But that aside. Don't know how connected you are with the KOINOS L1 ecosystem? We are setting up a Koinos Federation entity. One of the aims of this Federation is to open an Ltd type of company for when some contracts need to be signed, like with a CEX to be onboarded, and whatever will be encountered while progressing with the ecosystem.

A Joint Venture is certainly also possible, but this basically means one is part of the company that is 'accelerated' which is different than being a consultant to such a company. I suppose VCs have such a setup. Provide money, some provide more than money, like knowledge, expertise and support, while they own a set of tokens of such company, or have a share in that company. But that's a different topic 🙃

Personally am not really interested in setting up and running companies. Done that in the past, getting too old for that hahahaha But I have ideas and somehow I personally like to help/support others to bring such ideas to life. But also, put that aside since that wasn't the main topic of discussion 🙂


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