The movies: TV series 24 and Jexi

You could probably find it difficult to see me finish a movie right now, from beginning to end, without distractions. These days, it takes me days to finish any movie. Life just happens to us, and we seem to be running against time.

Nonetheless, movies lighten up my day, and if you care to know, I love horror movies and fun movies like Jexi. I'm not the type to store names of casts in my memory; I'm just out for fun and to get my brain relaxed. But certain movies have had a positive impact on me, and I would love to say a few things about them.

The series: 24

Perhaps if I started with Jack Bauer, we would readily relate the US counterterrorism federal agent who feared neither man nor woman, height or lows, to get justice for the nation's interest. 24 was a time-based series that circled the hour of 24 in Jack Bauer's life while getting justice served. He was bold and uncompromising, unflinching, and maybe a goal-getter. It was very obvious to us, the viewers, that Jack Bauer was going to get just any cases resolved despite the seemingly difficult challenges and powers of influence and also bring behind bars those who served injustice. Family or friends, we're inexcusable when it comes to injustice. Jack Bauer lived as though his life and mindset were programmed like computers to get justice served at whatever cost. He did the unthinkable, and even the highest of powers feared him. The fun of the series was the time limit. It seemed that at every hour, something striking was to occur to turn the storyline of the movie into another turn. We all looked forward to the next episodes and glued our butts to the seats of comfort while watching the movie. The movie sparked intelligence beyond the dramas; it remains one to reckon with as relevant even over time.



If you have yet to watch the movie, Jexi, you should do so immediately after reading this. as much as I can recall. Jexi was artificial intelligence software implanted in a mobile device that had the sophistication of human touch. I could say that I understood the place of AI in directing and guiding man's life. Jexi, however, was far more than the regular Alexia we are exposed to. Jexi was Phil's (protagonist) companion and worked on him to bring him out of his shell. Through the comedy and drama, Jexi expressed companionship, fondness, jealousy, sarcasm, and a variety of other feelings usually ascribed to human nature. Jexi made Phil's life a living hell, but the movie ended up being a favorable compromise. Jexi remains a movie I can watch from beginning to end, perhaps with some snacks to chew and enjoy the fun.

Jexi, as a movie, likely revealed the extent to which AI as a companion and technology can be with us, almost likening such a relationship to a human relationship. It shows the height of software development to reduce loneliness and many other problems we may have.

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.


I watched this movie for a while many years ago but it eventually got boring for me and that's probably because I'm not a big fan of this type of action movie but the other movie you mentioned (Jexi) is something I know I would enjoy. The funny thing is that the way you described Jexi is a lot similar to the new chatGPT that was released recently (GPT 4o), maybe it's from this movie that OpenAI got the idea 😅 you can see it in action below, it's just crazy


Thank you very much, I'm sure you'll enjoy watching Jexi


I love science fiction, so this JEXI would be interesting to to watch