RE: (ENG/ESP) Review of Chapter 4 A Hope in Hell "Sandman".


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This series has caught my attention for a while now, but I haven't seen it yet. You guys are excellent doing this review, in fact it's quite an analysis of the characters, I love what you have done. Thanks for sharing quality content in pairs... Saludos a Oscar!.


Yes, the truth is that it is very good. The characters are incredible. Thank you very much for your support, greetings.


This is a good series muchachon, give the opportunity to the first arc of two that raises in its first season and you may like this story that as far as I could investigate soon comes its second season, I'm with the hype to the maximum because this time if the grab as soon as it premieres on Netflix 😀

If you like certain aspects of epics in ancient civilizations, especially the Greek, I'm sure you will like this series, in my case I like various stories of The Sandman because it is inspired, makes them his own and creates its own version haha salad of those characters that once people like us many centuries ago worshiped and even made temples as Dreamer or Morpheus among other gods characters

Esta buena buena la serie muchachon, dale la oportunidad al primer arco de dos que plantea en su primera temporada y puede que te agrade bastante esta historia que en lo que pude investigar pronto se viene su segunda temporada, yo estoy con el hype al máximo por que esta vez si la agarrare apenas se estrene en Netflix 😀

Si te agradan ciertos aspectos de epopeyas en civilizaciones antiguas, sobre todo la griega, estoy seguro te agradara esta serie, en mi caso me agradan variadas historias de The Sandman porque se inspira, las hace suya y crea su propia versión ensalada jaja de aquellos personajes que una vez personas como nosotros hace muchos siglos adoraron y hasta hacían templos como a Dreamer o Morfeo entre otros dioses personajes