The Thieves (2012) Review
There are movies you'll hear about or just see the poster, and you'll easily know or assume that they are going to be a good watch when you finally see them. I saw The Thieves(2012), an action packed, crime and thriller movie, and being a Korean movie, with how creative they appear in their plots, especially when compared to the Money Heist kind of plot, I quickly added it to my watchlist. Unfortunately, this movie didn't seem to fall into the categories I was expecting.
For people who have watched this, they may have a different opinion on the movie, but this is me and how I feel about it.
The movie started with a robbery scene, a very smart one full of deception toward the victim. It was a clever heist in a museum under extremely tight security, but they managed to pass all the obstacles and succeeded. At this first set of scenes, I got really interested in seeing more of such acts and tricks, but hey, it didn’t happen like that again. In fact, the plot really became confusing with the introduction of many characters, especially the ladies who looked alike, with not much differentiation apart from their names. Oh my goodness, I had a tough time trying to figure out who was who. Lol.
There was a group of thieves with many branches in Korea and China. They were supposed to steal a diamond, and the mission required many hands on deck to succeed, so all the people were invited and agreed to carry out the mission. The only thing I came to understand after the many diversions and throwbacks was that they didn't trust one another based on past experiences. They pretended to trust themselves, but deep down, they knew that when the going got tough, everyone would be on their own, and they would try to kill each other to claim the diamond.
Some of the thieves in the group got kicked out of the scene without it being clear whether they were shot dead or arrested by the police. The last set of scenes became even more confusing with how so many people suddenly became interested in the diamond they were supposed to steal, with a particular man, Macao Park, being the main target that was always on the run.
The fight scenes, which appeared again towards the ending, were very entertaining. The graphics weren’t excessive, and the jumps, falls, and gunshots appeared real, making those moments very engaging and fun to watch.
Maybe it was just me who found the plot very confusing and unnecessarily stretched out with elements that elongated the story but didn’t add much reasonable impact on the movie. I would rate it a 4/10.
One of the top artists there that got me really interested in the movie is the Squid Game Guy, Lee Jung-jae
The Movie lasted for 2hrs+. Imagine watching a very confusing movie for 2 hours.
This is the trailer from YouTube;
This will be the first Korean movie I will watch. Surprisingly I have never heard of this movie before.
hehe, so dissapointing. And it looks good too.