(ESP-ENG) Carry-On | A lot of suspense in an airport - Movie Review!
Hello friends, good vibes to all.
[First of all, Merry Christmas to all of you who read me, I hope you had a great time.] If there is something that I think has been lost a little over the years is that essence of the movies of the nineties, those thrillers of pure action and suspense that makes it impossible for you to detach from the screen; I didn't know it but I missed it. Fortunately that changed with this new Netflix film, a movie that evokes the stories of those years: very vertical and with a gigantic sense of anguish and despair. It had already been recommended to me, some may find it a bit more of the same, but personally I feel it's a very good film ideal for hanging out during the holiday season.
We are in the very busy Los Angeles airport, where Ethan Kopek (Taron Egerton) works as a security agent. It's the eve of Christmas Eve, a time when people are nervous, rushed and anxious because all they want is to get to their destination. But this time there will be someone willing to delay the thousands of people who are passing by. It turns out that there is a mysterious traveler (Jason Bateman) who finds a way to communicate with Ethan to start what would be a blackmail for him to get a suitcase through the controls without being retained.
What's in the suitcase? - That's a secret for you. The thing is that this traveler is not alone and it is thanks to this that he can know many things, such as that Ethan's girlfriend works for one of the airlines operating at the airport which makes her an easy target for the extortion that this guard is suffering. Obviously there is a backstory behind their lives and his that will make this whole situation much more interesting as it will give more depth to the plot. As I said I think one of the things that stands out the most about this story is how desperate some situations can be in the sense that the blackmail is really well done which makes it quite complicated for Ethan to get out of that position.
The film is a mix between action and suspense. It is one of those where it is really difficult to get bored, at the beginning it starts a little slow but it is the necessary context to understand later the “effectiveness” of this traveler. The plot felt linear, that is, I think that when we start watching it we already know how everything can end, in that aspect there was not much surprise. The theme here is what happens in the middle, everything that Ethan does to gradually take the situation, is to see how he solves each obstacle so that his girlfriend does not end up with a bullet in her head. So all of this is what makes the film tremendously entertaining and fast-paced.
In terms of scenes and everything related to the visuals, everything is well done. Usually everything that is done in airports is accompanied by a chaos product of how crowded it is, if we add to that all this situation, police everywhere, a madman in a van with a sniper and a surveillance system and two men chasing each other, as expected the result will be very busy. There's a scene in a car that I didn't really expect, I think it adds a bit of adrenaline to the film. In itself does not need it because with what is experienced at the airport is enough but it is appreciated. Good fight scenes, shooting, a lot of tension.
I really liked the cast, Egerton and Bateman are two great actors, I think the chemistry between them is very good. Both in very different roles I think they nailed it, Bateman is very versatile, these methodical and calculating interpretations he is very good at. Egerton I didn't have on the action radar but he surprised. Overall everyone was very good. If you're looking for a “Christmas” action thriller that will really entertain you, this is the one. I give it a 7/10, I didn't get bored in the almost two hours, a very decent film with its tension peaks well marked. I leave the trailer here.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos vemos en la próxima!
Well my people that's all for today, I hope you liked it.
¡A hug to everyone, see you next time!
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justamente ayer estaba viendo la portada de la pelicula
Me encanta que capture esa esencia de los thrillers de los 90, donde la tensión y el suspenso son protagonistas. Taron Egerton y Jason Bateman son dos actores con mucho talento, así que estoy seguro de que ofrecen actuaciones sólidas. Además, me parece interesante cómo el chantaje se convierte en el motor de la trama. Definitivamente la agregaré a mi lista.
Literalmente es el motor, todo lo que pasa en la trama es con base a la amenaza lo que hace que todo sea más desquiciante. Creo que los dos actores cumplen a la perfección, se complementan muy bien.
Hace tres días iba a verla pero el servicio de internet estaba inestable y decidí dejarla para después, y justo la iba a ver por la acción me gusta mucho ver la tensión en la trama, ya se que es una buena recomendación. Saludos
Si si, vale mucho la pena. Es un un buen thriller, la tensión puede ser desesperante pero eso lo que hace es que den más ganas de seguir viéndola. Super recomendada.
Creo que Jason Bateman escoge muy bien las películas donde va a estar como actor o detrás de cámaras incluso.
Fue una buena película, y estoy de acuerdo contigo en que hubo momentos muy lentos o aburridos, pero compensó definitivamente con una buena historia.
Excelente publicación, como siempre
Muchas gracias por leer.
Bateman es muy actor de por si, él en Ozark es impresionante, este tipo de papeles metódicos son los ideales para él.
En términos generales el film cumple, como siempre no siempre puede estar arriba en cuanto a la acción pero si es una muy buena opción.