RE: Walter White and Overweening Pride: Breaking Bad Character Analysis

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Oh, how I loved it! But, I won’t bore you by counting the ways. Hehe! I also binge watched the entire series (and rewatched episodes). I think you have the underlying character flaws perfectly summed up.
It was wonderful to revisit and indulge 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Hello dear @itsostylish,

I'm not surprised you enjoyed this show. It had great writers. Amazing that it was broadcast on the 'small screen', that vehicle for so much garbage :))

Thanks for the endorsement. It's a kind of drug for me to get absorbed in researching and writing a post like this. I really don't need the pharmaceuticals because I can just lose myself in something most people don't care about. Most people won't even read it😄. Thank you for reading.

Hope your work schedule is bearable. Have a peaceful weekend.