War Dogs, entertaining and disconcerting




Director Todd Phillips delivers a raucously entertaining true-life black comedy that playfully skewers the war profiteering rarely captured on screen with such cheeky flair.

Juggling satire and heart, Phillips ensures Jonah Hill and Miles Teller burst off the page as the über ambitious young hustlers cashing in on America's most lucrative business - its endless wars abroad.

Their absurd ascension from small-time operators to Pentagon buffoons deftly pulls back the curtains on the shady nexus where privatization and foreign policy collide. Phillip’s light touch prevents the all-too-real absurdity from curdling into sourness.

Even as their heads fill with dreams of Fortune 500 glory, the escalating stakes sharpened by Bradley Cooper’s scaly agent keep the farcical adrenaline pumping straight through the satisfying dénouement.



Impeccable comic timing and situations ensure this madcap caper never loses its humorous grip, even while smuggling in sly geopolitical commentary for savvier viewers. Phillips proves laughter the best antidote to dissecting dreary subject matter with his signature verve.
War Dogs emerges a rare gem: a knock-out crowd pleaser that leaves audiences both wildly entertained and quietly bemused. Its message will linger long after the guffaws subside. Simply superb filmmaking.

Nominated for a Golden Globes Award for Hill's riveting lead performance, appropriately recognizing his live-wire comedic talents in anchoring this outrageous true story.



Impressive worldwide box office of $61.9 million against a $35 million budget, endorsed by audiences who lapped up Phillips' clever skewering of reckless capitalism and war profiteering.
