The Lovely Bones, a mythic work




Peter Jackson's 2009 adaptation of Alice Sebold's beloved novel proved to be a haunting and hauntingly beautiful film.

Focusing on a story of loss through the eyes of a murdered teenage girl, Saoirse Ronan became a modern icon in her portrayal of Susie Salmon, who discovers the enduring mysteries of life.

Susie observes her grieving family from a heavenly realm - Jackson and cinematographer Andrew Lesnie give the celestial scenes an ethereal glow with snow falling overhead.



Through fantasy sequences that imagine Susie's hopes dashed, Jackson crafts melancholy "what might have been "s to foster understanding between parents and children.

Rachel Weisz immerses us in maternal devastation as her friends seek solace in dreamlike sequences, as Mark Wahlberg finds redemption through the innocence of youth.

With poignant songs by Fiona Apple adding to its magic, The Lovely Bones triumphs in embracing life, love and the resilience of memory over even the cruelties of death. A mythic work about the gradual healing of grief.



It grossed over $94 million on a production budget of $65 million.

Stanley Tucci was nominated for an Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor and Saoirse Ronan for Best Actress.
