“Parasite”, a South Korean film




“Parasite”, is a South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho, released in 2019. The story follows the Kim family, who live in poverty in a basement in Seoul.

The Kim's life changes when the eldest son, Ki-woo, gets a job as an English tutor for the daughter of the wealthy Park family.

Seizing the opportunity, Ki-woo devises a plan for his family to infiltrate the Park family's life. His sister, Ki-jung, introduces herself as an art expert, getting the Park family to hire her services.



Gradually, the Kims manage to take over the jobs of the household employees, including the chauffeur and housekeeper, without the Park's realizing her true identity.

As the story progresses, class tensions and social inequality are revealed, leading to an unexpected and dramatic twist.



The film explores themes such as the struggle for survival, ambition and the differences between social classes, culminating in a shocking denouement that leaves the viewer pondering human nature and social divisions.

The film has been critically acclaimed and has won numerous awards, including the Oscar for Best Picture, becoming the first non-English language film to receive this award.

Its mix of genres, from comedy to thriller, and its sharp social criticism have established it as a masterpiece of contemporary cinema.


I'm looking forward to the new movie of this director, Mickey17. Really loved Parasite