Justice League, the beginning of an era




This Zack Snyder-directed film was one of the most anticipated releases of 2021 and managed to live up to expectations, though it was not without its flaws.

From its impressive production design and setting to its elaborate action scenes, Snyder was able to transport us into the grandiose DC Comics universe.

The big screen debut of superheroes like Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg, played by Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher respectively, was extremely satisfying.



What stands out most, however, is the charisma of Henry Cavill establishing himself as the ideal Superman, as well as Ben Affleck asserting his authority as Batman.

Gal Gadot, for her part, once again shone with her commitment and determination as Wonder Woman, establishing herself as the undisputed star of the ensemble.

On a narrative level, I welcome the fact that the film was able to introduce a touch of humour without losing the epic, although its time transitions were sometimes confusing.

The visual effects and massive action scenes achieved the expected epic display. They certainly laid the groundwork for future DCEU crossover adventures.



A superheroic spectacle that more than delivered for fans of the genre.

It certainly marked the beginning of a promising era for this film universe and its superheroes.
