Deep House, aquatic horror
"Deep House" is a remarkable return to the roots of the aquatic horror that directors Bustillo and Maury master like few others.
Beyond its undoubted formal virtues and tension built with exquisite calm, I think it lacks a plus to rise among the best of the genre.
The performances, although secondary, provide the necessary scare to a story of atmospheres that thrives on suggestion.
Its premise, an old submerged house as a cursed setting, is captivating but remains on the surface when it could have gone deeper (pardon the pun) into the lore behind its legend.
The pieces of the supernatural puzzle fit together without any big surprises and the plot gradually gains with visions that, without being shocking, hurt with fear.
Technically impeccable, its dark photography and enveloping ambient soundtrack fully immerse us in its climate of anxiety.
Perhaps it lacks more personality in its monsters or a surprise twist in the denouement, but it is overwhelming in creating anguish under pressure.
Without a doubt, it's a memory for lovers of aquatic horror that will reward the patience of the patient.