RE: Easy Rider (film): I'm not understanding why this film is so highly rated

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you always have to consider the historical era in which the films are produced. What social issues were there at that time. Society is always a “liquid” set of factors.

It's always a combination of factors.
It was produced at the peak of the 1960s counterculture movement, Easy Rider perfectly captured the zeitgeist. It explored themes of freedom, individuality, and rebellion against societal norms, resonating with a generation yearning for change.

The movie is a journey across America. A classic road trip story, offering beautiful landscapes and a sense of escape. It taps into the universal desire for adventure and exploration....but beneath the surface of the road trip lies a scathing critique of American conservatism and intolerance. The bikers' clashes with small-town America highlight the generation gap and societal tensions of the era.

Despite a low budget, Easy Rider's cinematography is impressive. The use of long, sweeping shots creates a sense of freedom and emphasizes the vastness of the American landscape. The iconic soundtrack featuring Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" perfectly complements the mood of the film.

Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper deliver strong performances, portraying the two bikers with charisma and complexity. Their portrayal allows viewers to connect with the characters despite their flaws. A movie without this kind of strong connection between characters and audience cannot work. It cannot remain in history.

However, it's worth noting that Easy Rider isn't for everyone.
The slow pacing and lack of a traditional plot can be off-putting for some viewers.


Thanks for that. This fills in the gaps that I was unable to comprehend and adds a lot for context for anyone that reads this. Your words are one of the best responses I have ever gotten to something I have reviewed.