The Last and my problem with NaruHina [ENG/ESP]



Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to all of you who are part of this nice community from wherever you are and whatever time of the day you are reading this post, to all of you, greetings. Taking advantage of the fact that I've been talking a lot lately about Naruto Shippuden, I want to make this post to express some things I don't like.

Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches a todos los que forman parte de esta linda comunidad desde dondequiera que estén y cual sea el momento del día en el que estén leyendo este post, a todos ustedes, saludos. Aprovechando que ya he estado hablando mucho últimamente de Naruto Shippuden, quiero hacer este post para expresar algunas cosas que no me gustan.


For those who know and those who don't, Naruto has a series of original movies, being 3 movies for Naruto and 7 for Naruto Shippuden that I must say that I mostly liked them and I think they are good movies (I should review each one hahahahahahahaha), but there is one in particular that seems to me.... I don't know how to put it in a nice way. With you, "The Last".

Para los que saben y los que no, Naruto tiene una serie de películas originales, siendo 3 películas para Naruto y 7 para Naruto Shippuden que debo decir que en su mayoría me gustaron y me parecen buenas películas (debería reseñar cada una jajajajajjsjaj), pero hay una en particular que me parece... No se como decirlo de una forma bonita. Con ustedes, "The Last".


And well, my biggest problem with this movie is that it forces you into a couple that from the beginning has no head or feet, and yes, I'm talking about the NaruHina and I won't tell you about the "plot" of the movie because it practically revolves around Naruto and Hinata. Before you tell me things, I want to clarify that this is just my opinion and not the absolute truth, if you have a different opinion, we will fight in the comments.

Y bien, mi mayor problema con esta película es que te mete a fuerzas una pareja que desde el principio no tiene ni pies ni cabeza, y si, estoy hablando del NaruHina y tampoco les contare sobre la "trama" de la película porque prácticamente gira alrededor de Naruto y Hinata. Antes de que me digan cosas, quiero aclarar que esta es tan solo mi opinión y no la verdad absoluta, si tienes una opinión distinta, nos pelearemos en los comentarios.


The first time I saw this movie I didn't like it, the second and third time I saw it, I didn't like it, and instead of "The Last" it should be called "The NaruHina is justified, believe me please" and Kishimoto is bad at writing female characters and also at building relationships (except for the Minato x Kushina), in the whole series Naruto only had appreciation for Hinata, like he has for Shikamaru or Choji, or any of his friends, he was never shown to see her as more than a friend, and don't give me "in fact in such and such chapter" because it's filler. Naruto didn't even have the decency to thank Hinata when she sacrificed herself for him in the fight against Pain and here you're going to tell me that he "realized" everything Hinata felt for him and he's going to say "oh, I love her too".

La primera vez que vi esta película no me gusto, la segunda y la tercera vez que la vi, no me gusto, y es que en vez de "The Last" debería llamarse "El NaruHina esta justificado, créeme por favor" y es que Kishimoto es malo escribiendo personajes femeninos y también construyendo relaciones (excepto por el Minato x Kushina), en toda la serie Naruto solo le tuvo aprecio a Hinata, como lo tiene con Shikamaru o con Choji, o cualquiera de sus amigos, nunca se mostro que la viera mas que una amiga, y no me salgan con "de hecho en tal capitulo" porque es relleno. Naruto ni siquiera tuvo la decencia de agradecerle a Hinata cuando se sacrifico por el en la pelea contra Pain y aquí me van a decir que "se dio cuenta" de todo lo que Hinata sentía por el y va a decir "oh, yo también la amo".


If instead of Hinata it was Sasuke, I think no one would have complained about the couple, because it was very obvious that they loved each other, not like Naruto with Hinata 😂. I don't know who came up with this movie, but it has a lot of evils from the series put together in one feature film, forced couples, the Otsutsuki.... ah, sorry what, what did Kishimoto come up with, ah, I should have seen that coming.

Si en vez de Hinata fuese sido Sasuke, creo que nadie se hubiese quejado de la pareja, porque era muy evidente que si se querían, no como Naruto con Hinata 😂. No se a quien se le ocurrió esta película, pero tiene muchos males de la serie reunidos en un largometraje, parejas forzadas, los Otsutsuki... ah, perdón ¿qué? ¿que se le ocurrió a Kishimoto? ah, debí haberlo visto venir.


I consider this movie as the worst of all Naruto Shippuden movies, this particular movie takes place after the events of the Fourth Ninja War and well, I have already complained a lot, I think it would be the same if it did not exist (seriously, it was not necessary), tell me what you think of this movie if you have already seen it and if not, I am not responsible if you decide to see it, I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Yo considero a esta película como la peor de todas las de Naruto Shippuden, esta película en particular tiene lugar luego de los sucesos de la Cuarta Guerra Ninja y pues, ya me he quejado mucho, creo que daría lo mismo si no existiera (en serio, no era necesaria), cuéntame tu que opinas de esta película si es que ya la viste y si no, no me hago responsable si decides verla, yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Here you have the trailer of the movie, something that I really liked is that they took an opening of the time of emission of the series (in this case Silhouette, the opening 16) and adapted it to a movie trailer, they do this with all of them ❤️

Aquí les dejo el tráiler de la película que, algo que me gusto mucho es que tomaron un Opening del momento de emisión de la serie (en este caso Silhouette, el opening 16) y lo adaptaron a tráiler de las películas, esto lo hacen con todas ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


Yes, I remember seeing this movie, I was disappointed to the point that I almost don't remember anything about it. There are actually very few Naruto movies (Shippuden included) that I've liked, I guess it was never a strong suit of this universe, the manga on the other hand, that was really worth it.

I love that in the trailer we hear "Silhouette" 😉.


Certainly, it is forgettable this bodrio, I think only NaruHina fans like it. I like some of the Shippuden movies, but it's certainly not the forte.... I also read the manga and if you get rid of a lot of filler HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Thanks for reading


I am very disappointed with Boruto because it has created many moments like NaruHina which are actually much more worthy of their own spotlight and story than the story of a child from Naruto which is unclear and messy in terms of story.

Thank you for sharing your opinion about this movie, I'm much more interested in watching it than a crappy anime like Boruto.


My history with Naruto ended with the last chapter of Shippuden, from there when Boruto came out I refused to watch it since it didn't capture my attention and to me it felt like they didn't want to stop squeezing money out of the franchise with the nostalgia of those who watched Naruto, it's like Disney making live actions that no one asks for. I have found Boruto to be a very mediocre story overall.

Thanks for reading