Belle: I don't like it (Review with spoilers) [ENG/ESP]


Hello everyone, I hope you are feeling well today, we are starting the second week of January and I'm about to become a homeless but everything is fine. As you can see in the title of the post, today I will talk about Belle, a movie from 2021 that I had not paid attention to (even knowing its nomination at the Oscars) until now that I happened to see it and look, I do not know if it is that I do not have good understanding or I do not know good cinema, but once and for all I make the spoiler that I did not like this movie, I am a true believer that not because a product comes from Japan that will automatically make it good, being honest I saw it without any expectation (so they don't come to tell me that sure it was that) because I know that alters a lot the opinion and, speaking of that, I want to clarify that this is only my opinion and does not have to be the absolute truth, also, this post will have many spoilers so if you have not seen it and you don't like spoilers, I recommend you not to read this post.

Hola a todos, espero que se encuentren muy bien el día de hoy, estamos iniciando la segunda semana de enero y estoy a punto de convertirme en un homeless pero todo bien. Como ven en el titulo del post, hoy hablare de Belle, una película del 2021 que no le había prestado atención (incluso sabiendo su nominación en los Oscars) hasta ahora que se me ocurrió verla y miren, no se si es que yo no tengo buena comprensión o no le se al buen cine, pero de una vez les hago el spoiler de que esta película no me gusto, soy fiel creyente de que no porque un producto venga de Japón eso lo va a hacer automáticamente bueno, siendo sincera la vi sin ninguna expectativa (para que no me vengan a decir que seguro fue eso) porque se que eso altera mucho la opinión y, hablando de eso, quiero aclarar que esta es solo mi opinión y no tiene porque ser la verdad absoluta, también, este post tendrá muchos spoilers así que si no la has visto y no te gustan los spoilers, te recomiendo que no leas este post.


Suzu is a high school girl who is quite distant and reserved with most people (even with her father) following the death of her mother, the only person with whom she is more united and open is her friend Hiro, who invites her to join an application called U where she can create a character, this is where she creates Bell (or Belle as everyone started to call her) which quickly became famous for having a prodigious voice (Suzu can sing but does not show it), in this virtual world Suzu is more free and is also very famous, to the point that she was going to celebrate a concert when a strange user breaks in because he is being chased by some kind of police of that app because he was a problematic user (they don't say exactly why, he has only won many fights and already xd) and they threaten to REVEAL HIS IDENTITY to stop being so problematic, I mean, they were going to doxx him without knowing who they were going to harm with that, and I don't know, they are supposed to have some authority in the app, they could just ban him and that's it.

Suzu es una chica de secundaria que es bastante distante y reservada con la mayoría de personas (incluso con su padre) a raíz de la muerte de su madre, con la única persona con la que es mas unida y abierta es con su amiga Hiro, la cual la invita a unirse a una aplicación llamada U donde podrá crearse un personaje, es aquí donde ella crea a Bell (o Belle como empezaron a llamarla todos) la cual se volvió rápidamente famosa por tener una voz prodigiosa (Suzu sabe cantar pero no lo demuestra), en este mundo virtual Suzu es mas libre y también es muy famosa, al punto de que iba a celebrar un concierto cuando un usuario extraño irrumpe porque esta siendo perseguido por una especie de policías de esa app porque era un usuario problemático (no dicen exactamente porque, solo ha ganado muchas peleas y ya xd) y amenazan con REVELAR SU IDENTIDAD para que deje de ser tan problemático, o sea, lo iban a doxxear sin saber a quien iban a perjudicar con eso, y no se, se supone que tienen cierta autoridad en la app, pudieron solo banearlo y ya.


Then Belle (Suzu) was interested in knowing who was the one called The Dragon (or The Beast, I don't know which one it really is, I saw the movie dubbed and not in the original language) and apparently all the users too, they make investigations and accusations without really finding the real person, and so much that Suzu doesn't want them to know that she is Belle but there she goes around wanting to investigate the life of a random person on the internet, anyway, the Dragon was quite distant and lived in a castle away from everyone until Belle finds the castle thanks to the help of a kind of AI that is a guide, The usual, she gets involved with him without anyone telling her until he trusts her more and a scene happens that was like watching Beauty and the Beast (confirmed that it is based on that story), things more, things less, Suzu discovers the identity of the Dragon and it turned out to be a 14 year old boy who was physically abused along with his younger brother by his father, this child also had died his mother. Things happen and they manage to find the address of the children because they wanted to help them, they tried calling the authorities but they said they could not proceed until after 48 hours, so Suzu embarks on a trip all alone (a high school minor) to Tokyo where the children lived to help them with the problem with their father. And I wonder, that's in case of disappearance isn't it? besides they had proof that the father was talking to them violently and threatening to beat them since the child had made a live and Suzu and her friends had it on tape, why didn't she go with an adult to report it in Tokyo? for me the worst part was the final part, since Suzu arrives in Tokyo to the place where the children live and by chance she finds them in the street (they had escaped) and then the father arrives to scold them and Suzu intervenes, the children's father assaults her and ONLY GIVES HIM A LOOKING WAR WTF? The father gets scared (I imagine because of Suzu's determination), the kids thank her and she thanks them and they say goodbye... What exactly how did she help them? After that the dad didn't hit them anymore? Did he report the case after that? In the end she returns home normally, accepting her mother's death, and goes back to being herself and singing.

Acto seguido Belle (Suzu) le intereso saber quien era al que llamaban El Dragon (o La Bestia, no se cual es realmente vi la película doblada y no en el idioma original) y al parecer todos los usuarios también, hacen investigaciones y acusaciones sin realmente dar con la persona real, y tanto que Suzu no quieren que sepan que ella es Belle pero ahí si anda queriendo investigarle la vida a un random en internet, en fin, el Dragon era bastante distante y vivía en un castillo alejado de todos hasta que Belle da con el castillo gracias a la ayuda de una especia de IA que es guía, lo de siempre, ella se involucra con el sin que nadie le diga hasta que el confía mas en ella y pasa una escena que era como estar viendo La Bella y la Bestia (confirmado que si esta basada en ese cuento), cosas mas, cosas menos, Suzu descubre la identidad de el Dragon y resulto ser un niño de 14 años que era abusado físicamente junto a su hermano menor por su padre, que a este niño también se le había muerto su madre. Pasan cosas y logran dar con la dirección de los niños porque querían ayudarlos, intentaron llamando a las autoridades pero dijeron que no podían proceder hasta pasadas 48 horas, así que Suzu se embarca en un viaje completamente sola (una menor de edad de secundaria) a Tokio donde vivían los niños para ayudarlos con el problema con su padre. Y yo me pregunto, eso es en caso de desaparición ¿no? además de que tenían pruebas de que el papá les hablaba violentamente y los amenazaba con golpearlos ya que el niño había hecho un live y Suzu y sus amigos lo tenían grabado ¿por que no fue en compañía de un adulto a denunciar en Tokio? para mi lo peor fue la parte final, ya que Suzu llega a Tokio al sitio donde viven los niños y casualmente se los encuentra en la calle (se habían escapado) y luego llega el papá a regañarlos y Suzu se interpone, el papá de los niños la agrede y SOLO LE HACE UNA GUERRA DE MIRADAS WTF?? El padre se asusta (imagino por la determinación de Suzu), los niños le agradecen y ella les agradece a ellos y se despiden ¿¿¿QUEEEEEEEEE??? ¿Exactamente como los ayudo? ¿Después de eso el papá no los golpeo mas? ¿Denuncio el caso luego de eso? Al final vuelve a su casa normalmente ya aceptando la muerte de su madre y vuelve a ser ella misma y a cantar.


I'm not saying that this movie is bad but, for me it was, I felt like I lost two hours of my life that I won't be able to recover by watching it, but that's just my opinion, what do you think? Thank you very much for reading me and see you later in another post ❤️

No digo que esta película sea mala pero, para mi lo fue, sentí que perdí dos horas de mi vida que no voy a poder recuperar viéndola, pero eso es solo lo que yo opino ¿Qué opinas tu? Muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

By the way, the animation is quite good
Translated by DeepL

Por cierto, la animación esta bastante buena
Traducido por DeepL


I didn't watch the movie, but I don't mind linking some spoilers hahaha because I love your posts 😂

I was struck by the ending, I wish the problems were solved that easy, with a simple war of looks haha I think they did not put much love to the end, for me they wanted to focus more on the development of the plot than in the end and when they saw that they spent all the time in the development, they wanted to solve it as fast and easy as possible haha

But I have to watch that ending, maybe I just watch the end because I was struck by that simplicity to solve a problem that is very serious today 😲


Exactly, that's what I liked the least, they solve with a deathly simplicity a problem that is too strong like child abuse, I don't have a problem with simple plots, I have a problem with poor plots.
I'm really glad you like my posts 😍 thanks!


I remember the hype I had with the trailer but had the exact reaction as I watched the movie. The visuals and song were nice but the story felt a little forced. While I get the underlying message about domestic abuse, identity discovery and etc were there, it's just hard to feel involved considering the experiences they share were relatively unique to their life circumstance. I don't have parents that were self sacrificing to know what it's like to live in that sorry state. Not to say it undermines people's sadness but more like, that's your sadness I can't related and not mine.

The ending had a more grim tone despite how happy the show made it look like. After that, there's going to be legal battles and legal help maybe delayed for the children that they may just die from further domestic abuse.

!discovery 25


I also remember that I saw a lot of people in networks having hype for this movie, but after a while nobody mentioned it again lol, I think the movie wanted to cover a lot of topics and in the end nothing had a real consistency, everything lacked depth, everything is resolved by the magic of friendship and that's it.
Thanks for reading and commenting 😊


Graphics are looking very incredible. I think I am going to give this one a chance to watch.