My Review Of The Flash Movie ( Part 2)


Today I finally got the chance to watch The Flash movie. I remember a month ago I wrote about the backlash the movie got from fans, and some decided not to watch the movie because some people said it was trash. I made it clear I won't let those criticisms stop me from watching and enjoying the film. So Today I will give my review of the film and if you haven't seen it yet then I can't promise there won't be a spoiler in this post.

The writers did not give us an origin story which was nice because the Flash origin story is already known by every comic book lover and DC fan, so the writers wasted no time and jumped into the story. The Flash was called by Alfred to handle a problem at Gotham Hospital, but Barry protests and asks Alfred to call the other members of the Justice League. Alfred explained to him that other members were busy and he was the only one available for the job, so Barry had no choice but to go.

After the hospital, he returned to his day job where he was trying to prove the innocence of his father because his father was charged with killing Barry's mother. The writers did not give a clear picture of how Barry's mother was murdered but from the CW Flash tv series, it was explained that Barry's mother was killed by the Reserves Flash Eobard Thawne one of Barry's arch-enemies in both comics and CW tv series.

Bruce Wayne(Batman) arranges a private call for Barry and his father. The call went on and became emotional which made Barry run faster than the speed of light and was able to break into time. Barry shared what happened with Bruce and also suggested he save his mother and also Bruce's parents, but Bruce didn't like the idea and gave Barry a piece of advice.

Barry failed to listen and eventually went back in time to change what happened before his mother was killed. As Barry was returning to the present he was hit out of the speed force by the black flash. I was surprised where he came from but as the movie went on it was reviewed. The black flash was another time remnant of Barry who was stuck in the speed force trying over and over to stop the tragedy that happened in his timeline.

Barry arrived at the other timeline where he met a younger version of himself and his mother was still alive. In this timeline, a lot of things were not as it was in Barry's world, there was a different Batman which was played by Micheal Keaton, one of the all-time greats to play the role of Batman. There was no Superman but Supergirl and her origin story was different. It was just like the animated Flashpoint movie but with little changes.

They all team up to face General Zod and his Kryptonian army. They made progress but the inevitable happened which led to Supergirl and Batman's death, and even when both Barry went back in time to restart the battle the same thing kept on happening over and over again. The older Barry understood this, but the younger Barry kept going back in time to undo the event and still, it kept happening.

The Black Flash finally showed up and told the older Barry that he was the one who made older Barry create him, but older Barry was the one stopping him from fixing everything and as he was about the kill older Barry the younger version came in and collected the blow which cursed the black flash to disappear from the speed force. So older Barry had to fix the timeline and put things back together before the multiverse collapsed.

There were a lot of cameos towards the end of the movie which I found interesting and still don't get why other people were mad about it. I will give the movie a 10/10 and will watch it again. So guys that will be all for now, thanks for stopping by, and have a good day.


I suppose people are mad not because of a bad story, but because the story has taken away from us a universe and actors (especially the actors) that fans were beginning to get used to. Its a phase, it'll pass lol.

Also I do not like how they make him run. He seems to be hurled through space per step when he uses the speed force. Not the best depiction of his abilities. Infact they actually do it right when he starts running after speaking with his dad, and then they go on to mess it up again.
But the story... I wouldn't give it the worst of ratings. But I didn't exactly fall in love with it either. 6/10 maybe.