Sci-fi predictions of the present

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When we were kids, we watched a lot of Sci-fi movies that made imaginations seem believable, somehow I wonder if the inspiration of the advancements in technology was born out of these scifi predictions because in most cases they were accurate. Some of such movies that are Sci-fi based and have been a great influence in our modern world includes: the oddysey, gataca, I-robot, Her, Terminator and so on. The subject matter or the dominant themes in these movies were artificial intelligence, advanced computerisation, robotics and so on. These have informed the minds of individuals and in turn inspired real technological advancements that has mede life more comfortable in some aspects.

Take the movie we all enjoyed as kids, "the Terminator" released in 1984, even as an old movie, it surpassed just entertainment purposes but gave an insight into the whole world of technology on another level. The deployment of the artificial intelligence in collaboration with the Human Terminator shows that intelligent machines can be created to defy all odds work to attain perfection no matter what. Although it also has its side effects of severe risks involved. In subsequent movies, we see the deployment of robotics serving different purposes like fighting in wars, protection and so on.

Recently, on Twitter, we saw a video of how a man was perplexed by the wonders of technology, apparently he lodged in an hotel and order for foods and drinks. When the delivery arrived at his door, he imagined that it would be the room service delivery guy or lady but to his surprise, he opened the door and found out that it was a machine that came to deliver his food. It delivered like it was a human being because the necessary setting had been activated to do the exact job a human would have delivered.

The wonders of technology can be attributed to long time movies that used robotics to take on human jobs and do calculations that even humans cannot comprehend. I believed that science fiction is proof that would we imagine or fantasize about can actually becime a great reality. Looking back at most pioneer movies and bood that employed Sci-fi in movies, they were produced as far back as 1870, 1968, 2001 and so on. Ever since the world have evolved in science growth and technology. The whole time travel thing was a mystery to us and we enjoyed it.

This is a part of my entry for the #augustinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit. In collaboration with the @humanitas community.

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