Hi Everyone, I'm on Hive!


Hi everyone, my name is Lorenzo.

I come from Italy (from Romagna to be precise!), and I am now located in Kraków, Poland. Last weekend I met many Hivers at #hivebeecon and there I was pushed by @blind-spot to publish about Economics on the Hive blockchain. The same advice was then reiterated by @priyanarc and @livinguktaiwan. After so much nudging, I eventually got convinced, So here I am!

000035.JPGMe looking at Croatia from my hometown in Romagna. [Shot by @edwinedwin on Fomapan 200]

As an active member of @krolestwo in Kraków, I am already somewhat active on the Hive blockchain with @lpa, where I organise bookclub meetings at @krolestwo, and @jaktak where I publish a diary in broken polish.

However, my posts have always been very sporadic, seldom about Economics and - most importantly - I have never introduced myself! So, here I am with a fresh new account that will entirely focus on economic content.

About Myself:

As already mentioned, I was born in Romagna, but my many adventures allowed me to live in several different places. My studies in Economics first brought me to the north of Italy, then in Vienna for a while, and finally to the United Kingdom for my Master’s studies.

historic-bw-photos-of-milan-italy-in-19th-century-02.jpgSome of you may recognise the city where I completed my Bachelor's degree. [Postcard from the 19th century. Should be Public Domain by now!]

My empirical experience suggests that Italy, Argentina and Greece (not incidentally all countries facing economic hurdles) produce a relatively higher per capita amount of macroeconomists.[1] Macroeconomics is indeed very popular in Italy, much more than I could observe in the UK or Poland. I myself, got very much fascinated by macroeconomic concepts, particularly by theories around money: inflation, interest rates and central banking. And that is what I ended up studying.

At the time of my studies these topics were of interest only for a niche of the population, however with double-digit inflation rates more people started to engage with them. To the point of being asked to write about it on Hive![2]

After university, I moved to Poland where for the past three years I have been involved in stress-testing within the banking sector, thus I also have some knowledge in credit risk. Although I am not sure how much I will write much about the risks in bank lending on Hive. But who knows!

XP2-33.jpgIt can get very cold in Kraków, but the city is beautiful [Shot by myself on Ilford HP5]

Some two years ago I entered @krolestwo for the first time and there @hallmann introduced me to Hive and its blockchain. I became very fond of the Kingdom. Particularly for the help it provided me in learning the Polish language and the lovely people I met there.

Last weekend, I also had the pleasure of meeting Hivers from all over the globe: a hello to @edje, @livinguktaiwan, @mipiano, @ph1102, @phortun, @delishtreats, @evelynchacin, @growandbow, @gtg, @zirochka and the others I have met, but whose username I cannot remember. It was nice speaking with you and hope you will find some interest in reading my posts about Economics!

  1. Of course my empirical observations have no validity, so don't take it seriously! There is some data on graduates by faculties and country in the OECD Database, but it is not showing graduates as percentage of the total population nor it does account for international students. Also, the discipline of economics is merged with other social sciences. That said, I could still try to work on the data and see if my theory is somewhat based in reality.

  2. Though Hive itself is quite a niche too!


Welcome to Hive at last!

Lorenzo is a nice name. We have a lot in common because it is my surname and the name of my father, who studied Economics, Accounting and International Economic Relations.
I like these subjects very much. So I'll be reading you.

Congratulations on making the decision to get on board this journey.


Thank you! It's nice to interact with people that share similar interests on Hive!


As I understand it, you were already interacting but had not formally introduced yourselves.
Did you have a book club or do you have one, in krolestwo?
By the way, I didn't tell you. I also liked the black and white photos in your presentation. I love this kind of photos.


That's correct. I have an account (@lpa) where I mostly organise the Bookclub meetings at @krolestwo. The bookclub is still active! We meet every second Saturday of the month. We also have an info page: @przeczytaj. You are most welcome to join us if you happen to be in Poland!


No, 😂🤓 I am in Cuba, in Havana. But I will keep an eye on you from here.

😉 thank you


Welcome @helicoptermoney! I'm so glad you're here!

I'm more than sure you'll find a community within the chain that would stimulate interesting conversations surrounding your expertise.

Like you said, inflation and the current shaky position of global economy has become a popular topic; that is why we need more people like you on HIVE. Moreover, an expert view, backed by either education or experience, is always best for the chain. These opinions and observations lead the chain to progressive decisions and eureka moments.

You could always filter through posts and look through tags such as #economics #macroeconomics #inflation #globalmarket and so on.

The people you've met at #hivebeecon and mentioned in this post, as well as other hivers, will always be happy to guide you in your journey here. Just ask.

Ps. You got one thing wrong. I have been pushing you since end of March, 2022 :)


Very true, you've been pushing me for quite a while! :)

I look forward to engage in interesting conversation on Economics here on Hive. Yesterday at @krolestwo we had a long exchange on these very topics with @edje and @ph1102, and I have now some inspiration for my next posts on the chain!


That's great to hear! I like it when people get inspired by others and give ideas for future posts and conversations!


Hi Lorenzo, it was great meeting you on Saturday, another great result from HiveBeeCon to get users to be more active on Hive.

Hive economics itself is a very interesting subject though my brain seems to have stopped working in recent years and I'm a little too lazy to learn new things, must reactivate it again 😅 However it will be interesting to see if/how you apply your theories and observations to this virtual world going forward (sorry, no pressures 😉)


No pressure whatsoever. I already have some ideas in mind: expect me to publish soon!


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So, here you are! That was fast 🥳

Did you use a helicopter to arrive this quickly with the economic's account? 😉

It was so nice to meet you, Lorenzo! All the best to you 👋


Of course I did! A helicopter full of cash :)

It was a real pleasure to meet you. I had a lovely time with you all! Hope you'll be soon back to Kraków!


Lorenzoo! It was a pleasure meeting you and everyone! 🤗 Also playing Novuss with you and the other guys, although I was just being embarrassed hahaha. Hope to see you all again soon!


Welcome Lorenzo! So cool that you decided to become active on Hive! It was very nice to meet you and learn about your future plans. I hope that the meeting yesterday went great and that you will be able to follow your dreams soon! BTW, make sure that you have some vegan piadina when we come to Krakow next time 😉


It was a pleasure to meet you all. Vegan piadinas? Maybe yes. Who knows! Perhaps some vegan Yantiqs from Ukraine will do! :)


Whatever vegan will do 🙂

How did the meeting go?


Very well! Every meeting at @krolestwo is lovely! :)


I meant the meeting on Monday that your friend was supposed to have with the authorities/bank 😂 but you don't need to say though..


WOW that was quick! Less than 24hrs after we’ve had our interesting conversation. Glad you decided to bring your knowledge and views to our HIVE community. Looking forward to more indepth discussions. Welcome 🙇‍♂️


Thank you! I also look forward to have some active discussions here on the blockchain. I will take inspiration from yesterday's chat for my firsts posts on the platform!


Happy to see that your idea of creating this account didn't stay "just an idea" and you created it super-fast! Nice to see you here!
It is a perfect place to continue our conversation and exchange our views on different topics!

Thanks for your company and your time in Krakow! Appreciate it!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

Comment Footer.jpg


Thank you for your warm welcome. I'd love to continue discussing here as we did offline yesterday! Look forward to see you back in Kraków someday!


First of all, welcome to Hive.

Thank you so much for the mention and I am glad that you finally decided to have your own personal account on Hive blockchain besides the one for KBK. What can I say about you!! Hah, for that you have to wait for my upcoming post :D Feel free to text me anytime for anything. I would love to help you with anything if needed...


Thank you! It was such a pleasure to meet you and I truly hope to see you soon! Thank you for the lovely time spent together in Kraków :)


The HIVE is a great place to grow a content library ! Welcome ! I am only a few weeks old we are the class of 2024


Hello, @helicoptermoney! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. Welcome to Hive Blockchain! seems you had a great time at that event. you have beautiful shoots to share with. :) I am looking forward to your many interesting stories and photography as well. :)

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read about the communities supported by OCD in this post [https://peakd.com/@ocdb/ocd-communities-incubation-program-update-138]

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!