Finishing the Garlic - July 23, 2024 @goldenoakfarm


Processing garlic - Phoebe crop July 2024.jpg

On Tuesday morning I was up at 4AM because I couldn’t sleep. I got the photos edited and by 5AM was back in bed until 6:30AM, much to a cat’s disgust.

I got the post written and up and then cleaned up the kitchen some. I set up for processing garlic and it was nearly 8AM when I finished so I got ready for the day.

My #2 intern arrived and we set to processing the roughly 10 lbs of garlic that was left.

Processing garlic - 10 lbs in dehydrators crop July 2024.jpg

We finished just before she had to go and got the area cleaned up some. I finished cleaning up when she was gone. It had been raining all morning but the sun was coming out, so I got the house opened up and pulled shades.

Mamma Mia crop July 2024.jpg

After some lunch I sat down to watch movies. I’d tried to watch the first one of this series while doing beans and quickly realized it needed my full attention as I was missing too much.

So I watched both movies all afternoon and all the bonus features. The odd thing was that I really disliked disco music when it came out in the 70’s but this movie was fun to watch. I REALLY didn’t care for the costumes much but I liked the rest of the movies.

My brother made supper of hamburgers and batata salad for supper and I heated up some sugar pod peas for me. After supper he got the blue tractor and was going to load the truck as my son had emptied it in the evening. Then I remembered we had to go to the dump at noon on Wednesday so the truck is empty.

On Wednesday I have to get out early and get the trash shed emptied and into the truck. I’m hoping the rain holds off until we get to the dump at noon. It’s supposed to rain the rest of the day and night on Wednesday but if it stops in the evening my brother will load the truck with mulch for Thursday.

Also on Wednesday I should finish the laundry and I have the kitchen to clean up. I’m sure there are a lot of jobs to finish up so I’ll find something else to do.


I could not sleep this midnight too because I was hearing some strange voices and I was very scared
I’m glad you could entertain yourself by watching movies


There are always jobs to finish up
Please, don’t overwork
Make sure that you always have a good rest


Lots of work in your list of the day! So many trays of garlic. You also like to put garlic in your food!

The cat shouldn’t mind you going back to sleep!


He does when it goes past his breakfast time....


Oh! Larry is very strict!
My cat is used to my erratic time of feeding her. From routine to flexible feeding time but she has some food in her bowl always. She waits for the special snack!