Reseña con Spoiler: Cuando acecha la maldad (2023) [ESP/ENG]
Hello, Hive moviegoers! Today I bring you the review of an Argentinian movie that was released in November last year (2023) and of which I had very low expectations, because horror and suspense movies are not necessarily my favorite. I was really surprised with this movie, I leave you with the review, I hope you like it a lot.
La película se desarrolla en una zona rural de Argentina, en donde viven dos hermanos (Pedro y Jaime). Estos trabajan en el campo y una mañana mientras salen a investigar de donde provenían los disparos que habían escuchado la noche anterior, se percatan de un cuerpo descuartizado. Debido a algunos apuntes que el fallecido tenía en su libreta se dan cuenta que este iba a deshacerse de un "envichado".Aquí en la película en particular, se le llama "envichado" a las personas o seres poseídos por una fuerza maligna, lo cual debemos tener en cuenta ya que se suele confundir.
The film takes place in a rural area of Argentina, where two brothers (Pedro and Jaime) live. They work in the countryside and one morning while they go out to investigate where the shots they had heard the night before were coming from, they notice a dismembered body. Due to some notes that the deceased had in his notebook they realize that he was going to get rid of a "envichado".
Here in the movie in particular, "envichado" is the name given to people or beings possessed by an evil force, which we must take into account since it is often confused.
El hombre está inflado, lleno de líquidos, de llagas y todo el tiempo está supurando ese pus que tiene dentro. Es escena en particular es muy desagradable y recomiendo verla con discreción y en el caso de que seas muy asquiento(ta), no verla.
The "envichado" is a certain Uriel, who is the son of a poor lady who lives in the middle of nowhere. I refer to her as "poor" because she has to deal with the virus of evil that her son carries, which is practically rotten in life.
The man is bloated, full of fluids, full of sores and all the time he is oozing that pus inside him. This particular scene is very unpleasant and I recommend watching it with discretion and in case you are very disgusted, do not watch it.
Matar de forma segura al "envichado" es importante aquí, pues no se puede matar de cualquier manera a estos seres y para esto, hay algunas reglas que contaré mas adelante.
Something I noticed here is that apparently the whole town already knows that there is a possibility that the "envichados" exist, well, some people do not believe much in this kind of things; however in the film we are made to understand that the people are aware that the evil presences and that evil exists. They take the whole story of the "envichados" so seriously that there are even people specialized in killing them safely.
Killing the "envichado" safely is important here, because you can't just kill these beings in any way, and for this, there are some rules that I will tell you later.
Algunos tienen muy clara esa regla y por ello, los hermanos junto con su jefe, deciden alejarlo lo mas que puedan del pueblo, ya que no lo pueden matar.
The people in the town treat the possessed as if they had a virus and therefore must be careful when eliminating it, because like any virus, it can spread. Among the rules that exist to deal with it, the most important of all is to NOT KILL THEM WITH FIREARMS, not sure why, but it is something that is constantly repeated in the movie. I will talk about the others later.
Some are very clear about this rule and for that reason, the brothers together with their boss, decide to keep him as far away from the town as possible, since they can't kill him.
Pedro, interpretado por el actor Ezequiel Rodríguez; es un hombre humilde, divorciado y con una muy mala relación con su esposa, la cual vive con su nuevo esposo (Leo), su hija del nuevo matrimonio y con los hijos de Pedro, Santino y Jairo, el cual es autista. Pedro se ve que es una persona impulsiva, que no sabe tomar decisiones y aparte de eso, nos damos cuenta que ha sido mal esposo y mal padre. A pesar de que la película no pinta a Pedro como buena persona, su objetivo aquí es sacar a su familia de ese lugar ya que los quiere alejar del mal.
Pedro, played by actor Ezequiel Rodriguez; is a humble man, divorced and with a very bad relationship with his wife, who lives with her new husband (Leo), his daughter from the new marriage and Pedro's sons, Santino and Jairo, who is autistic. Pedro is seen to be an impulsive person, who does not know how to make decisions and besides that, we realize that he has been a bad husband and a bad father.
Although the film does not portray Pedro as a good person, his goal here is to get his family out of that place because he wants to keep them away from evil.
Desgraciadamente la ex esposa de Pedro, su marido (Leo) y la niña mueren debido a este suceso. Por su parte, Pedro, al verse desesperado, opta por llevarse a toda su familia lejos del pueblo: a mus dos hijos, a su hermano y a su madre.
To her bad luck, the evil she was trying to keep away from her family is closer than she thinks, because unfortunately it has already arrived at her house. This is where one of the most shocking scenes of the entire film appears, as we see how the family dog tears the girl apart. This scene is important because we realize what definitely cannot be done to ward off evil.
Unfortunately, Pedro's ex-wife, her husband (Leo) and the girl die because of this event. Pedro, in desperation, decides to take his whole family away from the village: his two sons, his brother and his mother.
- No utilizar luz eléctrica.
- No estar cerca de los animales.
- No llevar nada que haya estado cerca de un "envichado".
- No lastimarlos.
- Nunca llamar a la maldad por su nombre.
- Nunca dispararles con armas de fuego.
The grandmother, together with another character that I will tell you about later, is the one who clearly explains the rules that must be followed in order to deal with the "envichados" without becoming infected.
- Do not use electric light.
- Do not be near the animals.
- Do not carry anything that has been near an "envichado".
- Do not hurt them.
- Never call evil by its name.
- Never shoot them with firearms.
En la casa de Mirtha pasan muchas cosas impactantes, que no les voy a contar porque la idea no es que cuente todo y sería mejor que las vieran y sintieran el impacto.
In their attempt to get out of town, Pedro and his family take refuge in the house of Mirtha, a lady whose husband was something of a "healer" or exterminator of "envichados". Mirtha is an important character here, since she provides too much information necessary to put an end to all this.
In Mirtha's house many shocking things happen, which I am not going to tell you because the idea is not to tell everything and it would be better for you to see them and feel the impact.
Al crecer la angustia Mirtha y Pedro van en busca del Uriel, el "envichado". Mirtha sugiere que hay que matarlo, evidentemente de forma segura para acabar con el mal que se ha expandido demasiado por el pueblo, así que se ponen a buscarlo y llegan hasta un colegio rural, donde supuestamente se ha refugiado el "envichado".Algo curioso que dice Mirtha aquí es que "a el mal le gustan los niños y a los niños les gusta el mal" y por ello este ser se está refugiando en ese lugar, cabe resaltar que todos los niños ahí estan muertos. La película utiliza muy bien a los niños para generar una atmosfera inquietante, ya que los usas como guardianes del mal.
As the anguish grows, Mirtha and Pedro go in search of Uriel, the "envichado". Mirtha suggests that it is necessary to kill him, evidently in a safe way to put an end to the evil that has spread too much through the town, so they start looking for him and arrive at a rural school, where the "envichado" has supposedly taken refuge.
Something curious that Mirtha says here is that "evil likes children and children like evil" and that is why this being is taking refuge in that place, it should be noted that all the children there are dead. The film uses children very well to generate a disturbing atmosphere, since they are used as guardians of evil.
Debido a la desesperación, Pedro logra matar al "envichado" a golpes y cuando lo hace, de el emerge un niño completamente cubierto de sangre, el cual, antes de irse, lo marcará con su sangre en la frente.
In the end, Pedro allows himself to be tricked by the children, who want to take them away from there because they know they want to get rid of the "envichado", but Pedro allows himself to be manipulated and because of him (basically) they end Mirtha's life with hammer blows.
Due to the desperation, Pedro manages to kill the "envichado" with blows and when he does it, from him emerges a child completely covered with blood, who, before leaving, will mark him with his blood on his forehead.
Pedro vuelve a casa, se baña, pero se da cuenta que no puede quitarse la marca de la frente. Rápidamente se da percata de que su hijo se comió (literal) a su madre y luego de eso, sale y se lamenta. El final queda abierto a interpretación.
The film does not end here, because Jairo, Pedro's oldest son is "possessed" as well as a boy who appears at the beginning of the film, who is the brother of Uriel "el envichado". This boy confesses to Jaime (Pedro's brother) that he was the one who murdered the "healer" in the "Healer" found dismembered at the beginning of the film.
Pedro returns home, takes a bath, but realizes that he cannot remove the mark on his forehead. He quickly realizes that his son ate (literally) his mother and after that, he goes out and laments. The ending is open to interpretation.
So much for today's review. Thanks for reading and watching, see you next time with another review c:
Gracias por el apoyo.
Vi esta pelicula hace 3 meses y me fascino, aunque va de mas a menos pero sabe manejar el terror con cosas simples, tenia tiempo que no me asustaba y la escena del perro me dio de todo. jajajajajaja, PERO EL FINAL DECAE UN POCO,
Otra de las cosas que alabo es que no se andan con excusas van al fondo, o sea no hay censura por el rating o personajes impuestos, y meno escenas de sexo que no se justifican en la trama.
Yo siento que la peli logró su cometido: dar asco y miedo.
Con respecto al final, tienes razón. Gracias por tu comentario.