[ESP-ING] Cine 🍿



¡Bienvenidos a una nueva entrada en mi blog gente linda de Hive!

Welcome to another entry of my blog pretty Hive people!

El estreno de la película Intensamente II, causó un revuelo en el único cine de mi ciudad jajajajaaj, yo tenía demasiado tiempo sin ir y como mi cuñado quería verla, nosotras nos unimos a su plan para ir todos juntos.
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The premiere of the movie Intensamente II, caused a stir in the only movie theater in my city hahahahahahahahah, I had too long without going and as my brother in law wanted to see it, we joined his plan to go all together.
Intentamos comprar las entradas por la página, pero no nos dejó, y acordamos llegar a la función de las 12:50 porque se suponía que era la que iba a estar vacía, pero nos quedó la cara de payaso cuando al momento de comprar las entradas (llegamos tarde), sólo quedaban los asientos de adelante porque todos los demás ya estaban ocupados, y cuando salimos de la función, la cola para comprar para los demás horarios estaba demasiado larga.
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We tried to buy tickets through the website, but it wouldn't let us, and we agreed to arrive at the 12:50 show because it was supposed to be the one that was going to be empty, but we were left with a clown face when at the moment we bought the tickets (we arrived late), there were only the front seats left because all the others were already occupied, and when we left the show, the line to buy for the other times was too long.
No pensé que fuera a estar así de full, con decirles que llegó un punto en el que no quedaban más boletos para vender. Lo bueno es que con lo que nos ahorramos de cotufas y refresco, nos compramos un combo de pizzas. ¡Pero bueno amigos, eso ha sido todo por esta entrada, nos estamos leyendo!
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I didn't think it was going to be this full, to tell you that it got to a point where there were no more tickets left to sell. The good thing is that with what we saved on pop and soda, we bought a combo of pizzas, but well friends, that's all for this entry, we'll be reading each other!

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


@gigi8, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!