"You Are What You Think You Are" ; "SPLIT" Movie Review.



One traumatic childhood! 24 identity disorders! And you are face to face with how the mind works or fails to work, in this chilling psychological thriller. This is a movie that portrays the adroit nature of the human brain and how it can spiral out of control where several people decides to live in one body.
So grab your popcorn, go watch this psycho-thriller of immense suspense!

The plot;

"Split" is a psychological thriller directed by M. Night Shyamalan, which features Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy) as the lead actor, a man who lives with a dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D) and comes with 24 different personalities.

Plot Summary:

Three teenage girls -Casey, Claire, and Marcia- are kidnapped by Kevin and locked underground in a maintenance facility. In their bid to escape from the confines, the girls meet the different personalities of Kevin, including the most dominant ones:

Dennis , obsessive and controlling.

Patricia, a creepy motherly figure

The nine-year-old boy, Hedwig.

All these personalities are to prepare the girls for a supernatural, terrifying 25th identity known as,THE BEAST, who was a superhuman capable of ruthlessly killing his preys....

Meanwhile, Kevin's therapist, Dr. Fletcher believes there's something wrong and tries to intervene, but it all ends up with a tragic confrontation with the 'The Beast', a superhuman.

Ultimately Casey(Anya Taylor) also comes face to face with The Beast and after a near-death experience, she is spared, because her traumatic past made her "pure", her dark side which she wasn't willing to share with her classmates, saved her.

My Review;

This movie deeply dives into the traumatized identities and the survival instincts acquired as a result, It blends suspense with horror effortlessly, with James McAvoy giving one of the best performances one can come across, as he depicts Kevin and his many personalities. He played the roles with much ease.
I loved the ending twist, it's simply mind-blowing! A dark thriller, very scary in some scenes and those other girls.... No spoilers intended here!


A thrilling and intriguing movie! A disorder taken to a totally new level. McAvoy's ability to switch between all those characters seamlessly is truly remarkable plus it kept me guessing till the very end.

"You are what you think you are!" And I wouldn't want you missing this movie for even a split second!

I would rate it an 8/10.

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