The Duke boys

It won't be long before my nephew @mrbonkers is in town and I'm really looking forward to it; because he lives 4,000km away we spend so little time together making those few occasions we do so important. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago and this time, because he's six and a half years old, it'll be a completely different experience - it's going to be so great!
We've been discussing on video chats what we're going to do and have a decent list which would probably take a month to get through but with only a week we have to hone it down to the most important, valuable and appropriate things. It may be very hot here too so that will mean some things can't happen and others can; we'll have a good time no matter what though.
I asked him last week if there was something he wanted to add to the list and he said, "yep, we should watch the Duke boys."
He's referring to the TV show called Dukes of Hazzard which was made between 1979-1985 revolving around a couple cousins, Bo and Luke Duke, who always seemed to find themselves in the thick of some plot which was often initiated by Boss Hogg and his Sherriff Roscoe Coltrane. If you've not seen it you'll have to watch it to understand.
Below is a link to Internet Archive and all the season one episodes.
A short clip of one of many car chases. You can see why a young boy might like the show.
Back in 1979 I was nine and used to watch the show a lot, and loved it: Car chases, jumps, explosions and Daisy Duke in dem shorts!
These days it's all re-runs of course and comes via pay TV, which is what I'll be watching it on with my nephew or via the link above, but my nephew loves it as much as I did and on our video chats animatedly tells me what's happening on the episodes he's just watched. All I have to say is, "what are those Duke boys up to lately," and I get a full explanation of what's up. I love how excited he gets, it reminds me of me as a younger chap.
Anyway, @mrbonkers wants to watch some episodes with me and I think it's an awesome idea. It'll bring me back to my youth (that bastard thing bloody left me a long time ago) and will be a nice way to connect with my nephew with something that's relevant to both of us.
I wonder, is there anything you do, listen to or watch that connects you to your younger days, prior to being 15 years old? If there is and you want to share what it is and why please do so below.
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It'd have to be Star Trek and the smell of whiskey that transport me back to my childhood years.
Great to see young bonkers enjoying wholesome stuff like Dukes of Hazard. They just don't make them like they used to.
Trekkie huh? I wouldn't have picked that but I bet you'd rock a Star Trek uniform!
I didn't watch much Star Trek as a kid, just here and there, but have watched most now over the intervening 50 years. A good show for sure. One I never got into was M.A.S.H, you?
Little bonkers is a good lad and loves the old stuff. You should hear him explaining Wile E Coyote's exploits to eat the Road Runner...Hilarious. He watches all the old WB cartoons I used to and loves them. His dad doesn't let him watch any conventional TV though, there's nothing good on it anyway. The kid is growing up like I did and that's a good thing.
Oh yes, I love Star Trek and I've seen every episode multiple times. I learned most of what I know from Mr. Spock! I've never seen MASH but I do know of it and it doesn't sound like my kind of thing. We didn't watch that much TV as kids. 'Television is the opium of the people', my father used to say.
Yeah, I was restricted in respect of how much TV I was allowed and it's interesting that it wasn't until later that I appreciated it. Of course, at the time it meant being selective with what I watched and that was good too. It's interesting how life's happenings have such a far reaching effect.
Check out The Invaders with Roy Thinnes a 60's series.
Thanks. I've not come across that one before.
Does that make you (a much younger version) of Uncle Jesse?? Don't be bringing out no moonshine now.
We used to love that show. A lot of reruns of many shows we loved back in the day look a little cheesy now (affectionately).... but when they came out back then, nothing else like them had ever been seen before. Those were the days !
I'm more a Luke Duke sort of dude to be honest but if @mrbonkers wants me to be Uncle Jesse than Uncle Jesse I'll be! Moonshine? Well now, it's a must!
I know what you mean about "cheesy" but they're still good. Remember Knight Rider and The A-Team as well? I also used to watch Buck Rogers in the 21st Century and a few others like Hogan's Heroes and stuff. So many good shows back then. I wasn't allowed to watch much TV as a kid, was outside doing other things mostly anyway, but had to pick my shows carefully due to having limited access.
We also watched and loved Knight Rider & The A-Team & Hogan's Heroes. I never watched Buck Rogers though. I think for a lot of shows, although they were nearly cutting edge for their day, the special affects & etc have gone so much past that now. I still like seeing a rerun now and then.
We were not so much limited, but we too stayed out till dark playing most of the time and we had a nearly set bedtime too, so maybe we saw more in the winter months than the summer, except for when real young, there were always cartoons on Saturday morning.
It was a good life Jace, yours and mine, and in many ways I think much better than what's on offer now - head stuck in a phone screen watching "social" media.
Saturday morning cartoons...yeah for sure!
Bring back ye olden days.
Just the good ol' boys, never meaning no harm... At one point I had the lyrics to the theme song memorized. So at what age are you going to start teaching the boy how to get away from the cops?
Never really watched much television growing up, we discovered Bo and Luke when we were on vacation at a place with cable TV. I do still play the Nintendo I got when I was little, because Tetris never gets old. Does that count?
It's a good theme song right? Man I loved that show. You know, not too long ago I had a chance to buy that car (one like it) but decided against it and got an F Truck instead. I'd not have painted it the same (although there's one identical to the show car driving around my city) but was super keen on it. I guess sense prevailed and I got something that was more multi-purpose.
My nephew is awesome at BMX so the training on how to go fast has begun; as for getting away from the cops...well, he wants to be one so I don't think teaching him to run away from them is a good thing. Having said that, he'll probably change his mind in time, all kids do.
Tetris counts, something that takes you back to your youth. I never had computer games as a kid, zero households had computers, but got to play the Atari 2600 at a friends place sometimes and played Frogger at expert level. Good times.
Hard to argue with Waylon. I did too, it and Smokey and the Bandit are what really got me interested in cars as a kid. One of the old 69 Chargers? Or a newer version? Either would have been fun as hell.
Ha, watching Roscoe in action might help change his mind.
Ah, I just heard stories of the Atari as a kid. Got the Nintendo when I was 5 and I'm always amazed when it turns on again after all these years. Computers were still a novelty when I was growing up, can remember trying to explain the internet to the adults and they just acted as if it was as incomprehensible as crypto.
Yep, I was only talking to my brother (@mrbonkers dad) about Smokey and the Bandit. He said it's on his list for the lad. My brother is working to give the kid the same sort of upbringing to the one we had and it's paying dividends with the lad.
A 1969 Dodge Charger, same as the General Lee man, such an iconic and beautiful car. I really wish I'd bought it although I loved my F Truck as well.
I'm pretty sure the Atari 2600 was the first gaming console and it went nuts from there. My first computer was an Amiga 500 (512 KB of of ram). Bonkers huh? It's incredible how far things have come and I think some of it is well in the wrong direction. Just my opinion.
Ha, nice! Spent a summer driving a '78 Firebird (unfortunately not a Trans Am) and everybody wanted to talk about either that movie or their brother/cousin/uncle that had one like it.
I love those old pony cars, there's just something about that combination of simplicity, elegance, and raw horsepower. Lol, on the flip side, you are conspicuous driving one these days.
Ah, the good old days of booting from a floppy disk. It's wild to think how far both cars and computers have come since then. I'm with you on that though, not all change has been for the better. Remember when you could actually buy software?
We're showing our ages (although I'm more advanced in that regard than you) but I think they were better times, less complicated more connected (with those around us who mattered) and I think happier. I miss the old days.
A Firebird huh? I've never driven one but there's a few here, mostly in collections and they come out at shows and for car runs. It's amazing what we have here but they're not daily drivers these days. The roads are full of passionless, ugly, electronic devices with wheels. Clearly I'm not a fan.
The old floppy disc, not words I've said or thought for a long time! And yeah, there used to be walls of software and now... subscriptions. We're such dumbasses to pay for something that's not even ours.'s the future and it's going to glorious (for some) and don't argue, just keep paying.
My grandma used to love the Dukes of Hazzard. They have a museum called Cooters Garage in Nashville that our friends visited when we all went a couple of years ago. Sadly, the Dukes got cancelled here and you can't find them on many channels anymore.
Your grandma? Now I feel fucken old as fuck!
Cancelled That's shit. I reckon President Trump will bring it back, he knows what's up.
Nah, he is too busy golfing and making out with Elon. 😀 Yes though, it became a victim of extreme wokeness over here. I personally feel a little wokeness isn't a bad thing, but everything gets a bit skewed when it is taken to extremes. Sorry man, my Grandma loved those Duke boys. We are definitely old!
Bloody hell, and I thought I was only a spring chicken! Damn it.
On the wokeness...I think there's room for some societal change and tolerance but it's all gone too far for me. An example is when that black lives matter thing happened and people who said, "no, all lives matter" were called racist. The same for the fact I'm supposed to have tolerance for people who want to identify as camels or whatever. Umm nope, zero fucken tolerance for that shit.
Skewed is a good word for it, bent out of shape, on the wrong path, sinking fast into a quagmire of get the idea.
As for your grannie, I'd watch The Dukes of Hazzard with her any day...although I'm probably going downstairs when I die, not upstairs where she's likely to be. 😊
Yes, she passed several years ago. I still miss her every day, but thinking about the things she loved makes me happy. I heard a quote a short time ago that stuck with me to the point that I wrote it down and keep it with me. It went: "All lives can't matter until black lives matter more". Of course I realize it is a very complex topic with many facets, but the history of oppression is well documented and I think people just want a voice. As for the "furries", I am totally with you.
A complex matter indeed...but the very concept of one groups' lives mattering more than another groups' lives is quite contradictory I think. As for the historical aspect...we can hold on to those old issues or move forward...I just don't think moving forward with the same ethos as displayed historically, albeit reversed, is the right way forward. But what do I know, I'm just a brown dude with his own opinion. (I prefer to say, delectably mocha-coloured though, not brown.)
Delectably mocha-coloured lives do everyone's.
I don't disagree with that. I honestly don't think the intent was for one color of lives to matter more than another, but when one has been beaten down, and exploited it needs to matter a little more to be back in par with all lives. Then again, what do I know, I'm about as white as they come!
Yeah, a lot of people have been beaten down and exploited and not just black ones so I feel the BLM phrase is quite offensive.
I understand.
Now that I live in my hometown, there are lots of things that connect me to my 15 year old self. 16 rather,when I could drive, and the only thing there was to do was to drive around the beautiful hills, park on a rural road, and take a hike into the woods. I don't often do the hiking anymore, but I do still drive around in the hills a lot, and remember, or try to anyway, where the attractions were: the ice mines, bud hill, the bradley gardens, a bridge to nowhere, an old house to explore. Small town highlights. And there were those high school boyfriends! yum. Good times, nice memories.
I have the same sort of memories from my own youth and home town. It was a sleepy place, the sort of place that on Saturday morning at 12pm one could fire a shotgun down the main street and hit no one. A farming/rural town. I loved it and was outside more than in, nearly came to grief so many times but survived and am a better man for it.
Kids (generally) don't get that nowadays although my nephew does and I think it's awesome.
Yeah, my mother sent us outside after lunch and we weren't to come back until she rang the cowbell for dinner. After dinner, it was back outside until the streetlights came on. I would climb trees, wander all over the place with my dogs, and what marvelous things I imagined! A parent would be reported to CPS if they let their kids live the way we lived back then.
You're probably right about the CPS but I think there a lot missing from childs upbringing these days, and too much TV/device time.
Absolutely. They think differently. Perhaps hardly think at all, those who are glued non-stop to devices that are telling them what they should think.
Yep, that's where it stars, trained to absorb and accept propaganda. This is another thingsl contributing to the unravelling of the fabric of society.
Aloha galen.. I'm asking you why do you keep on downvoting my posts still.. I use only original pics or snapshots of my pc, which i always say the source of where I got them, and I write a quality (original content) post that I draft myself, without any outside help. Is there some sort of thing that is lacking or too much of in my posts? I routinely have seen many hivers who still copy/paste, use AI, or post like 50 words to a post. I also use only the communities I am familiar with.
I am just an unemployed disabled guy and have been on this chain since 2017 trying to produce consistent, and good stuff. I have already satisfied hivewatchers, but for some reason you continue to downvote me. I'm sorry if I have offended you in some way. Please re-consider persisting with the downvotes, or just tell me how I can get better.. that would also be much appreciated. Mahalo,
chinito 😎🤙
Your "finance" posts are the same old thing over and over again farming for votes. I don't like that about your posts. I remember addressing this with you previously and you started putting in some effort and I started upvoting your posts, remember? Now you've reverted to low-effort posting and want rewards for it?
Since May 2023 you have powered up a grand total of...
But have managed to extract hundreds and hundreds of Hive so I don't see you making much attempt to support others...and yet you want support in return?
Of course, you are free to do as you wish and I'll not ask you to stop. But that freedom you have extends to everyone on this blockchain including me so you do what you want to do and I'll do what I want to do and that's that right?
I spoke to you a little while ago and asked for some effort and personality and you showed it so I upvoted you...But you slipped back into your old ways. What you do here is a choice and you made yours as I have also.
@clairemobey and I have been steadily going through many older series that were good with our kids.
Then people visit us and make some joke and turn to our kids and say "You probably don't know who that is." and they get to find out that the kids do indeed know who they are talking about.!
Some newer series smattered in there as well... its been fun.
Another thing I do from my yester-year is load up some emulators and play some of the old but awesome Nintendo games. There are some of those games that never age for me!
Good old boys like you and I (and Bo and Luke Duke) need to make sure we remember the good old days and educate the young'uns huh?
I never had a gaming console but I get what you mean. For me, re-living the old days would mean having to hand make a cross bow and shoot some birds...yep, I did that as a nine or ten year old and got thrashed for it too! I wrote a post on it years back. Lol.
Despite all the electronics, movies, games and other shit... my 14 and 12 year old have a collection of "Cool sticks" in the garden. Either from the garden or picked up along the way, fallen from trees.
The 14 year old has been doing things to modify these sticks to turn them into "swords" and "guns" so I started giving him some hand tools with some instructions and let him do what he can to craft stuff and play around with that.
I don't think many kids his age has a stick collection... lol
I think you've done a good job by the sound of it; so few do!
Thanks. I have succeeded in some ways and failed in others... I shall just continue to do the best I can.
I believe that I was watching basketball with my dad before I was 15 year old. Also I started watching anime in particular dragon ball/dragon ball z and samurai X as a kid. These days I don't watch them always but sometimes I still watch some reaction to dragon ball or samurai X. I still remember that sometimes I was rushing to get back from school soon enough to watch samurai X.
How's that basketball team of yours going? They won any games? Any chance of making the finals?
still on a break. Next game in euroleague is on 27. We need to win at least 6 out of remaining 8 games. Many fans already are saying that where is no hope left. But I still hope that they will reach playoffs. Also recently one of our players left the team and returned to NBA. So I am curious to see if team will play better without him.
Well, it sounds like there still in it but also like it might be a long shot for them to get in. I guess hljust enjoy the next games, find something to get excited about and look forward to next season.
"Duke boys" lol that kid is way too freaking cute XD
Only thing I can think of off the top of my head right now is a lot of the music we listen to (including Eldest who has inherited our interesting tastes in music), as a lot of the music J and I listen to is stuff my dad listened to while I was growing up. There's probably a tonne of other little things that I'll remember as they come up now XD
Yeah, he's a good one for sure. It makes me smile when I think of his ways, how he talks and looks (facial expressions) and I'm very proud of his achievements. It's the same with my niece @smallsteps.
Music is something that's always going take one back to previous years and memories, it's so powerful.
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Hi @, I've seen a few minutes of a whole chapter and I'm sure you're going to have a great time with your nephew watching of Hazzard. I'm also sure your nephew will have a great time. I hope you enjoy the time you are going to share very much.
As for the question, what still connects me to my youth is music. Next month I'm going to see a live band that disappeared in 1983 and decades later reunited. I'm really looking forward to seeing those “old guys” on stage.
That concert sounds like fun, I'm certain it'll take you back to the good old days and you'll have a blast!
Besides sounding great, I will meet some friends as young as me, and that is always very special.
I wish you a happy evening
Have a good time young man! ☺️
Thank you very much 😁. See you tomorrow, it will be a pleasure to meet another young man again. 👋
I used to watch that series! That one and the fox and so many others .... I loved for example files or X files, I was super but super fan of that series and every time I remember it takes me to that time, I love to investigate, I always liked it!!!
So many good shows back then, now it seems there's not as many or they all tend to be the same.
There was variety and very well-produced programmes, plus naturalness without computer stuff, they were genuine performances.
How about The Man from U.N.C.L.E., loved that programme I was always Illya Kuryakin and my mate was Napoleon Solo, we used to make the small radios out of blocks of wood and keep them in discarded fag packets. Happy Fucking Days.
Hope you have a good time with your @mrbonkers
Yeah, I remember that show, another good one. It's incredible how kids used to make stuff up, (your radios for instance), and have fun without the need to have to buy that fun. These days it's all about devices, internet and social media.
yes, you have nailed it, we made our own fun I think my generation , the baby boomer has been the most fortunate generation ever
As you mentioned, watching some of the movies I watched as a kid can bring me back to that time.
As well as reading some books, which were compulsory in primary and secondary school, and which I only liked in later years.
A couple of months ago, I watched "The Goonies(1985)" one of my favorite movies I watched as a kid.
That movie reminds me of one summer, when we sneaked into the movie theater and watched this movie several times.
I saw something the other day with a picture of the actors from the Goonies all grown up, what they look like now. Bloody hell, that made me feel old. Lol.
Old guys 🙂
But let's console ourselves, with age, we have also gained some experience 😀
Experiences can bring wisdom, and that's what we have to our advantage indeed!
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