Sweets and Popcorn

Back when I was in School with 16 I worked at the local cinema at the weekend and on some evenings to earn some money that I could use on my expenses. And since then I am a little bit addicted to Popcorn. Salty popcorn is the best and I often still make it at home now. But since I mostly sold popcorn a the cinema and I was allowed to eat as much as I wanted I got a little bit addicted to it. Now when I watch a movie at home I often prepare some popcorn to eat while watching. Yes and some kind of sweets are also a little addiction for me.

At the moment of writing I prepare some Popcorn that I will enjoy to a movie that I will be watching today. But I still haven't decided wich one.

Colorful sweets with a lot of sugar. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 50 mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/500 Seconds
Aperture usedF1.8
Focal Length50 mm
Time05:41 pm

Sour worms. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 50 mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/500 Seconds
Aperture usedF1.8
Focal Length50 mm
Time05:41 pm

Beautiful and yummy butter flavored popcorn - soo good. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 50 mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/500 Seconds
Aperture usedF1.8
Focal Length50 mm
Time05:41 pm
