FROM 2022 Series Review

Hello everyone and welcome to another series review! This time i will review From which was released in 2022 and is still ongoing with its 3rd season. I also bet that there will be a 4 season from the looks of it so far. Now i will not do any spoilers and such i will just give you a generic let's say review regarding the plot and what i like/don't like so far, so sit back and enjoy!
So as i mentioned already so far there are 3 seasons out, and in fact, at the time of writing this there is the 6th episode of 3rd season out. Each season has 10 episodes in total. So the show starts with a family in a small "village" that is getting ready to sleep and with a let's say serif ringing a bell informing the residents that it's getting late and apparently they need to get in their houses.
So that's what happens and while out is night and the mother is preparing her daughter to sleep a voice is coming outside of the window. The daughter reaches the window and there is a grandma outside asking to get in. The young daughter opens the windows and boom the grandma turns into a monster-like abomination and kills both the young daughter and her mother.
At the same time there is family going on vacation or something, consisting of the mother, father older daughter and younger son and somehow they see a fallen tree blocking the road. They take a shortcut and reach out to this small settlement. They ask for directions and they follow the path and end up again in the same place. The same applies again and as the night gets by the serif along with the people there urge them to follow them and get in a house or store as it's not safe.
So now what basically happens is that they soon realize after they hear the long explanation along with us the viewers, that everyone saw that fallen tree first and ended up in that place. There is also no way to get back home and everyone came here from a direct part of the country. Also during the night outside some human-like monsters lurk they try to smooth talk in order to get into the apartment. In general, if you get caught by these monsters you will get eater alive or tortured to death.
So now we get to see a mystery that slowly unravels of what the hell is that place and what everyone as a group and as individuals are doing in order to understand what's going on with the place and how they can get back home safely.
What I Liked and What I Don't
To tell you the truth i pretty much like almost everything. First and foremost i like the acting, the different characters that we are introduced as well as the character development with each season. I also, like the element of surprise and the mystery that still exists. Note that we are in the 3rd season halfway through its end and still we basically have no clue what the hell is going on and why. I really hope that the ending of the series to be great and not something like "everything was a dream or something similar".
Also, i like that we get introduced to new mysteries as well that i bet somehow they will be tied together. So it's not only the monsters and the fact that nobody can turn back, but there are new mysteries that we see with each season and basically after some episodes as well.
The only thing that i don't really like to be honest but i get that, is that most of the monsters don't seem that "real". There is that fake element which doesn't bother me but it doesn't make me fear as well. In a way, i get that though as we are talking about a series, and the budget is a bit lower than a movie.
All in all though, if you like horror mysteries then this show is for you! Based on IMDB it has a 7.8/10 and i would give it an 8/10 as well. If it continues like this and the ending is great then it can even be a 9/10 in my eyes!
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Nice to see that I'm not the only one really digging this series, It's been since Lost that I have been so obsessed about the Tv-Show and want to know what the hell is going on actually. The new episode gets online where I live around 7 O'Clock in the morning and I go to bed always in anticipation to wake up early and watch it right away. Last 2 times after watching I went back to sleep and actually dreamt that I was in Fromville (as the fans are calling it)
Also, the acting of Boyd is so good (he really deserves an award) that it makes the acting of some of the other actors quite weak which I noticed last episode with the fight between Jim and Thabita.
The writers have already said that they have an ending in mind so it's not like lost where they just create a bunch of mystery without knowing where it's all going. Can't wait for the next episode and the seasons to follow. It's a bit a shame that the show is not more popular. 10/10
i didn't know about the series up until last month, i watched 20+ episodes in 2-3 days :p
Really like the mystery element as well and i really really hope for a nice ending. I bet though that there will be a 4th season.
I'm spooked out in the best way possible. Like, I'm not too big on horror, but I genuinely want to see how everything transpires. Excellent choice and lovely review. Thanks for sharing!
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