RE: Jano: half a century of movie posters


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Hello @enraizar.
Exquisite exhibition, I imagine it was part of your vacation. As I looked at the posters I searched my memories, but none of them were specific. Only the names and familiar faces of the artists and although I have seen some of them, the posters, the first time and despite this, seem familiar to me, I relate them to illustrated books from my childhood, although I only remember two names of cinemas: Ciudad Lineal and Covadonga. Surely the closest to my neighborhood. And from my father's endless stories, the Palacio de las Pipas, although I no longer remember the real name of that historic room.

Until next time and as always another hug.


Hello my dear @felixmarranz. By the Covadonga “El Covacha”, I stopped a lot in my youth, watching many double bills with old movies. And it is certainly a cinema that brings back very good memories. As you refer to the book covers I leave you one of Jano, which was in the exhibition.

A big hug.
