RE: Cinemas Going The Way Of Arcades


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I'd say that cinemas are more in danger to lose the fight in comparison to theaters, as people still want to visit there opera, ballet and such. But cinemas might become obsolete, as you mentioned, people can stream films whenever they want and don't need to follow a given time schedule given by the cinema. This is a major concern about cinemas, at least for me. At home I can stream whenever I got the time to do so, I still do enjoy a movie at a cinema, but it's more for the nostalgia and to be somewhere else than home, e.g. a date night or so. But I could recognize even cities like berlin have trouble keeping cinemas open as the amount of customers drops.


That is true. Theater in this instance is cinema.

Live entertainment is going to be desired. That is something that cant be replicated by AI.


Don't say that, aren't some big musicians already performing via VR glasses? But obviously it's different than #IRL.


I am sure VR is going to be a big thing at some point and offer a hybrid experience.

It will be great for artists. Can put on a concert of a million people with 15K at the show and the rest in VR.


I am pretty curious about that, as I really enjoy being somewhere in person #irl but I do see chances for ppl around the world regarding this! 😀


I think it is logical.

If an artist has the pull, there will be live attendees for $100 but a VR ticket might cost $10.

Imagine something like that for the Super Bowl.


Yeah, huge opportunity for scaling the event even more and charge even more $ per 30s advertisement spot.