Arcane review (spa/eng)
Cuando supe de esta serie hace unos años al estrenarse la primera temporada no estaba muy emocionado, ya que nunca he jugado League of Legends que es el juego en el que se basaron para la adaptación, pero apenas vi el primer episodio supe que se volvería una de mis historias favoritas.
Esta serie traída por Netflix era distinta en el sentido de que a diferencia de otras producciones de la plataforma no soltaron toda la temporada de una vez sino que liberaban tres episodios semanales, de esta manera aumentaba la emoción. El primer arco fue increíble, nos presentaron a sus protagonistas y como iba a ir avanzando la trama desde cada uno de ellos, el mundo mostrado era muy llamativo e intrigante, desde la increíble y llamativa ciudad de Piltover hasta la peligrosa y atemorizante Zaun.
El juego en el que se basan tiene uno de los lotes o trasfondo de mundo más fascinantes que he conocido, no es necesario conocerlo desde antes para disfrutar de la historia, la manera en que está narrado es perfecta para fans y no fans de LOL por igual. Cada capítulo dura unos 40 minutos, pero pasan volando debido a lo atrapantes que son, cada uno está lleno de emociones que hacen que conectes y te intereses por todos los personajes involucrados, pasas de conversaciones que llegan a parecer duelos de ajedrez a escenas de acción perfectamente animadas. La parte artística logra resaltar gracias a lo opuestas que son las ciudades de Piltover y Zaun, logrando transmitir la diferencia en las clases sociales entre ambas.

La mejor parte es sin lugar a dudas los personajes, están tan bien hechos a nivel narrativo y artístico que logras entenderlos e interesarte por cada uno de ellos, incluso el peor villano tiene razones muy fuertes para sus acciones que no lo justifican pero le da más capas por explorar. Incluso los buenos no son totalmente buenos y se enfrentan a desafíos que los llevan a límites tanto físicos como mentales que ponen a prueba su moral y voluntad de seguir adelante.
Obviamente se enfocan más que todo en personajes del juego como lo son Vi y Jinx, gran parte de la historia se trata de su relación de hermanas y como sufren toda clase de altibajos, vemos a Vi haciendo lo posible por ayudar a su hermana y también vemos a Jinx anteriormente llamada Powder caer más y más en la oscuridad.
Hay muchos más personajes como Vander, Silco, Ekko, Sevilla, Jayce, Victor, Heimerdinger, Ekko, etc, que son igual de llamativos y nos muestran cada uno su propia perspectiva de como han lidiado con el mundo a su alrededor. Además de temas de problemas familiares también tocan temas muy actuales como la diferencia de calidad de vida entre ricos y pobres, tráfico de drogas, la manera en que el poder corrompe y lleva a tomar malas decisiones.

Cuando llegue al final quedé ansioso por ver que pasaría luego, y hubo que esperar tres años para ver la continuación, pero es claro que la espera valió la pena, todo lo anterior mencionado es llevado al máximo nivel en esta temporada, no se complicaron presentando nuevos personajes salvo por unos pocos que tuvieron un excelente desarrollo, todos los personajes presentados en la primera temporada tuvieron su cierre en esta temporada 2.
Muchas preguntas sin responder, conflictos gestados lentamente en el transcurso de los capítulos, al inicio creí que sería apresurado con todo lo mágico, guerras, temas familiares, clases sociales, política y hasta románticos, Pero todo fluyó de una manera tan perfecta que no se sintió saturado, lograron darnos un final definitivamente satisfactorio que no dejó a nadie decepcionado, hay cosas que me hubiera gustado ver un poco más pero eso no es un aspecto negativo ya que se entiende todo muy bien si se puso atención a todos los episodios.

El último episodio es el cierre que está gran historia merece, los 50 minutos que dura están llenos de escenas de acción maravillosas a las que es imposible apartar la vista, ocurre a una velocidad tan alucinante y una calidad de un nivel tan alto que hay momentos donde olvidaba que era una serie animada debido a toda la mezcla de emociones transmitidas, hasta hacen giros sorpresa relacionadas con capítulos específico de la primera temporada y hay escenas que son paralelismos perfectos con escenas de la primera temporada que funcionan como un cierre maravilloso que hacen increíble el nivel de precisión con el que se escribió toda la historia.

Puedo asegurar que está es una de las mejores series animadas que he visto, las emociones que sentí con cada episodio las he sentido con muy pocas historias, es una serie que se la recomiendo a todos, la amaran al instante.
English versión
When I heard about this series a few years ago when the first season was released I was not very excited, since I have never played League of Legends which is the game they based the adaptation on, but as soon as I saw the first episode I knew it would become one of my favorite stories.
This series brought to us by Netflix was different in the sense that unlike other productions on the platform they didn't release the whole season at once but released three episodes a week, thus increasing the excitement. The first arc was incredible, we were introduced to its protagonists and how the plot was going to progress from each of them, the world shown was very striking and intriguing, from the incredible and striking city of Piltover to the dangerous and frightening Zaun.
The game on which they are based has one of the most fascinating world backgrounds I have ever known, it is not necessary to know it before to enjoy the story, the way it is narrated is perfect for LOL fans and non LOL fans alike. Each chapter lasts about 40 minutes, but they fly by because of how gripping they are, each one is full of emotions that make you connect and get interested in all the characters involved, you go from conversations that come to look like chess duels to perfectly animated action scenes. The artistic part manages to stand out thanks to the opposites that are the cities of Piltover and Zaun, managing to convey the difference in social classes between the two.

The best part is undoubtedly the characters, they are so well done on a narrative and artistic level that you get to understand and care about each of them, even the worst villain has very strong reasons for his actions that don't justify him but gives him more layers to explore. Even the good guys are not entirely good and face challenges that push them to both physical and mental limits that test their morals and will to go on.
Obviously they focus mostly on characters in the game such as Vi and Jinx, much of the story is about their relationship as sisters and how they suffer all sorts of ups and downs, we see Vi doing her best to help her sister and we also see Jinx formerly called Powder fall further and further into darkness.
There are many more characters such as Vander, Silco, Ekko, Sevilla, Jayce, Victor, Heimerdinger, Ekko, etc, who are just as striking and show us each their own perspective of how they have dealt with the world around them. In addition to family problems, they also touch on very current issues such as the difference in quality of life between rich and poor, drug trafficking, the way power corrupts and leads to bad decisions.

When I got to the end I was anxious to see what would happen next, and had to wait three years to see the continuation, but it is clear that the wait was worth it, everything mentioned above is taken to the highest level in this season, they did not complicate introducing new characters except for a few who had an excellent development, all the characters introduced in the first season had their closure in this season 2.
Many unanswered questions, conflicts gestated slowly in the course of the chapters, at the beginning I thought it would be rushed with all the magic, wars, family issues, social classes, politics and even romance, but everything flowed in such a perfect way that it did not feel saturated, they managed to give us a definitely satisfying ending that left no one disappointed, there are things that I would have liked to see a little more but that is not a negative aspect since everything is understood very well if you paid attention to all the episodes.

The last episode is the closure that this great story deserves, the 50 minutes it lasts are full of wonderful action scenes to which it is impossible to look away, it happens at such an amazing speed and a quality of such a high level that there are moments where I forgot it was an animated series due to all the mixture of emotions transmitted, even make surprise twists related to specific chapters of the first season and there are scenes that are perfect parallels with scenes from the first season that work as a wonderful closure that make incredible the level of precision with which the whole story was written.

I can assure you that this is one of the best animated series I have seen, the emotions I felt with each episode I have felt with very few stories, it is a series that I recommend to everyone, you will love it instantly.
¡Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerme!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read me!
Traducido con DeepL / Translated with DeepL
I haven't played the games as well and am watching the first season right now.
A friend of mine said, this show is considered to be the "perfect" TV show and I always scoff at those kinds of labels.
But having watched the third episode, I find myself almost in agreement. I don't have anything to critique up to this point. It certainly is a great watch and I'm eager to watch the second installment as well after the first season.
The same thing happened to me, but the more episodes I watched the more I wanted to know, there were also things I didn't like but that didn't overshadow all the good things about the series.