What If Finn’s Story Was Explored More?



In my opinion what would have made the sequels better is if we got more context on Fin’s character and such like maybe him thinking he was doing the right thing and such at first similar to Agent Kallus. Additionally the sequels more should have been focused on him because he was honestly the one that sacrificed everything for the sake of his beliefs that the empire was in the wrong from his own experience as a Storm Trooper. But I think it would've been hard for him to have an arc akin to that of Kallus bc with Kallus we got an extended story with him because of the nature of the rebels series being ~15-20 ep seasons, and four seasons in total.
Kallus' story is amazing greatly due to the fact that they had the room to let it breathe and, dare I say, organically grow at a slow, methodical pace
(I think if they wanted to do an arc like that with Finn then he should've been a stormtrooper all throughout ep7, beginning of ep8 is when he starts to realize the first order is fucked up and not what he wanted it to be, and ep9 he turns and joins the good side)
or maybe they do something with starkiller base being utilized in ep7, destroying hosnian prime, and that's what shakes him
but he isn't able to "rebel" until the end of 7 or beginning of 8; perhaps that's how episode 7 ends.

Finn and Kylo have that same duel but it holds more stakes because we've spent the entirety of ep7 partly following him, we see his horror at starkiller base being utilized, it shatters his belief system, and in the late-middle back half of the film he manages to get to rey/han/chewie while they're trying to blow up starkiller base from the inside (I think that's what they were doing LMAO it's been so long since i watched ep7) and he helps him then
maybe Kylo throughout the film has interacted with Finn and maybe there was a mutual respect there? idk. Something where they do interact a few times, Kylo knows who he is, recognizes him
so in that final sequence where Finn takes up the blade against Kylo, it's just all the more impacting.

As things stand, Rey is the more interesting character for me, but I think Finn could have been more interesting if they added more nuance to his story and didn't have him just turn good from the very beginning--his wasn't a redemption arc per say, but the key to redemptive stories featuring characters recognizing their wrongdoings, or the wrongdoings of their organization, is actually showcasing those horrors in an extensive way. And also having us live with that character in the time before their psyche and perspectives change, so we then have that dichotomy between who they are before, and how they transition into the character they can be--the best version of themselves.

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Yeehaw! This here blog is brimming with ideas like a stampede in the making! It's clear you've got a tumbleweed of creativity swirling in your mind about how Finn's character could've been given more depth in them sequels. Keep rustlin' up them thoughts and who knows, maybe your ideas will gallop on their way to the big screen!