Lightwhip And The Dark Side



Lightwhip seems like a pretty dark-sidey weapon to me
considering how it seems to be not that easily defendable and more weapon-y
so there's a setting for it to just essentially be a taser whip and not an all powerful blade of light that can slice anything in half at will?

What I do know about the jedi philosophy regarding their "weapons" is the famous saying:

"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"

A lightsaber is obviously not the "force" but my interpretation has generally been that they go hand-in-hand: a jedi shouldn't use either as a means of aggressive attack, only to defend (the lines of which, I suppose, can easily be blurred depending on the situation)
but the idea of a lightwhip, while I'm not opposed to it at all from a pure logistical, scientific standpoint (because this is literally star wars and a stagnant beam of light in and of itself isn't realistic, so I don't much care that it extends to moveable beams of light such as in a lightwhip) -- there is something off-putting for me purely from the perspective of jedi philosophy, specifically their code of how exactly they utilize their gifts and abilities. I think my issue with it is that I'm not seeing a capable means of it being used in any other way than to slice someone in half
whereas the force can be used very easily for defense, and a saber can be used to deflect.

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