All Romantic Comedy, Netflix Recommended One. || Movie Reviews.


Rom Coms are interesting to watch but these days it is not for me. I don't know why but the Rom coms that are out there now don't impress me at all instead they sometimes annoy me. So I don't bother watching them even if Netflix recommends them. However, Netflix found a way to draw me in by recommending a Rom Com that starred actors I like and I am familiar with. Then I streamed another that starred Celine Dion to add to the flavor. When I saw the recommendation, I was skeptical because it's in the middle of the week but I gave it a chance anyways and my impressions are just mixed but averagely satisfied. Maybe I should give up Rom Com motion pictures and stick with Rom Com Books.

I will be reviewing two Rom Coms that I saw yesterday, it was worth my time and the time I spent watching them was not in vain. 'The Perfect Find (2023)' and 'Love Again (2023)' are both interesting movies that are enjoyable and entertaining but don't leave a lasting impression at the end. Did I enjoy one more than the other? Yes I did.

The Perfect Find (2023).


This movie is a romantic comedy that is based on a book with the same title which was written by Tia Williams. It was directed by Numa Perrier and written by Leigh Davenport which centers around Jenna, a 40 year old lady who lost her Job because her 10 years relationship crashed but decides to come back into her fashion career world after a year but then falls in love with a younger coworker who happens to be her boss' son. This movie starred Gabrielle Union, Keith Powers, Gina Torres, Aisha Hinds, D. B. Woodside and La La Anthony.

Brief Synopsis.




Jenna Jones, a 40-year-old woman whose high-profile relationship with Brian came to an end when she was dumped by him. Jenna stayed with her parents for a year but her mother kicked her out to go back into the world to continue her life and her career. Adhering to her mother's advice, Jenna sets out to Brooklyn to apply for a job from a long time friend/enemy. As she got to Brooklyn, she decided to change her career to the world of beauty journalism.




Jenna gets a job from her frenemy Darcy who is the owner of Darzine. Darcy offered her the position of a Creative Director on a three-month trial basis. Excited with her achievement, Jenna went to a party with her two best friends. At the party she meets a cute college looking young man. She kisses him and accidentally says she loves him. Love at first sight?



However, the next day at work, Jenna discovers that the hungover Jenna meets Eric, the same younger man she met at the party was indeed Darcy's son who will be working together with her as the company's new videographer. They both agreed to keep the hookup to them and not mix pleasure with work. Will they really be successful with that agreement?

My Review And Rating.

This movie was okay and not impressive. The director did an amazing job to make the movie watchable but the scriptwriters, wow! Messed up this potential Rom Com. When I was watching the movie I felt like the writer was actually a teenager with no experience in romance and life. The story of this movie was not structured well, it was not built on realistic instances, the characters were built shabby and also the resolution was thinly written.

The main characters of this movie had no chemistry to me, it was like they were actually tolerating each other so they could get it over with. Jenna's character was built with the outlook of a young and immature woman instead of a 40 year old woman while Eric's character was built with the outlook of a matured man. To me that did well with the story and it watered down the story arc of the movie.

Some of the things I appreciate about this movie is the cinematography arrangements which were colorful, neat and appealing to the eye. The setting was well done, I will give them that and also all the heartfelt scenes were well . The script and the dialogues are not rigid but it was witty and packed with humor. Also, I love that the movie showcased some cultural background, city life and challenges of modern society. Also, this movie explored some valid themes like personal growth, self-discovery, and breaking societal norms.

Rating this movie, I will give it 6 out of 10 stars. I wasn't impressed with the movie and it was enjoyable but forgettable. There was nothing spectacular about the story of the movie.


Love Again (2023).


This movie was written and directed by James C. Strouse. It is also based on a novel written by Sofie Cramer. It revolves around the story of a young woman who attempts to soothe the grief she feels about the death of her fiancé by sending texts to his former cell phone number to express her bottled up feelings. From there feelings bloom with the man to whom the number has been transferred. It starred Celine Dion, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sam Heughan and Nick Jonas with other supporting characters.

Brief Synopsis.




Mira Ray, a young woman and Children's book author who is struggling to get past the death of her Fiancé finds it difficult to move on in life after two years of mourning his death while living with her parents. She then later decides to move on with her life by heading back to the city to squat with her younger sister Suzie.




On the other hand, Rob Burns, a young man who works in a company as a music critic and who just had a terrible breakup with his fiancée a week before their wedding. He was given an assignment to interview Celine Dion. His boss Sam challenges him to be open minded and write a paper on the musician.



Meanwhile, Mira was still struggling to adjust to her new life when she decided to send a message to the number of her dead fiancé to put out her bottled up emotions and feelings. Coincidentally, Rob Burn received those messages on his work phone. How will this end?

My Review And Rating.

In my opinion, I think this movie is actually better than 'The Perfect Find'. If I were to choose, I think I would go for this one. This movie is much more enjoyable, the humor sits right well, the storyline was well written but to me the story wasn't realistic. I don't know about you but I would go find out the identity of the person who keeps sending me romantic messages. It's kind of creepy.

The directorial style of this movie is good and engaging. The scenic arrangements were well done. The setting, tone and mood of the movie was amazing and we'll convey that in the movie. All the romance scenes were well shot and it was moving that it got me a bit invested.

The two main characters performed excellently well. They had good chemistry and they were fun to watch. My first time seeing Priyanka act in this type of role and I think did well. For Sam, I think he was great in his role. Also, I got to see another fun, and carefree side of Celine Dion which was refreshing for me.

The visuals and cinematography was warm, inviting and shot with the right mood. Good lighting effects and the camera angles were impressive. The soundtrack of the movie was absolutely fantastic and it was fantastic to see Celine Dion sing again.

Rating this movie, I will give it 7 out of 10 stars. I would recommend this movie more than the first movie above but still they both movies were good, entertaining and enjoyable. If you love Rom-Coms, you should give these two movies a chance. I hope I enjoy watching them.

All images above are from the movie screenshots

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