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Saludos mi queridos amigos de la Comunidad Hive, en especial a los amantes de los doramas. Hoy les he traído una Extraordinaria serie cargada de mucho odio, amor y traiciones, dirigida por Kim Kyoo-tae, se trata de AMANTES DE LA LUNA: CORAZÓN ESCARLATA RYEO AÑO 2016, protagonizada por Iu, Lee Joon-gi y Kang Ha-neul entre otros.


¿De qué trata?

Trata de una viaje al pasado realizado por Ko Ha jin, quien al tratar de salvar un niño que ha caído al agua, no pudiendo salir a flote, se hunde, apareciendo en el reinado Goryeo y se transformara en Hae Soo, encontrando el amor y la traición, en una época donde comenzara una batalla de los príncipes por ocupar el trono dejado por el Emperador Taejo.


Opinión Personal

Amantes de la Luna: Corazón Escarlata Ryeo, es una serie estremecedora te atrapa de principio a fin, lloraras, gritaras, reirás, todas las emociones juntas, como es posible comprender a unos hermanos asesinándose entre si por el trono, un trono manchado de sangre.

Me encanto la trama como tejieron el presente con un pasado histórico, en donde una joven llamada Ko Ha-jin, se sentía triste y desconsolada por la traición de su novio, y como estaba bajo los efectos del alcohol trata de salvar un niño que cae al agua, hundiéndose ella y resucitando en el año 918 en el reinado del Rey Taejo, con el nombre de Hae Soo y nada menos que en la piscina donde se bañaban los príncipes, me encanto la ambientación, así como el vestuario, pienso que esos trajes debieron de pesar por la gran cantidad de tela, excelente la actuación de todos los actores sin excepción, primera serie que veo de Iu me pareció muy dulce, se metieron de lleno en sus personajes.


Con una excelente química entre Hae Soo (Iu) y Wang So (Lee Joon-gi ), aunque les dire que Kang Ha-neul como el Octavo Principe Wang Wook, también trasmite amor por Hae Soo, solo que en el momento cuando ella lo necesito el le dio la espalda y su corazón se enamoro de Wang So.

Es una historia de ficción y fantasía basándose en hechos reales, ya que Wang So era el cuarto hijo del Rey Taejo, gobernó y se caso con su media hermana la Reina Daemok , y luego con su sobrina.


Con un final realmente con muchas interrogante gobernó bien? Supo que tenia una hija? y ella luego que regreso se sintió sola? Eso no lo sabremos al menos que salga una 2da Temporada.

Bueno amigos esta serie me dejo desconsolada, vacía, en shock, llore ,llore tanto, que todavía no me repongo, por este motivo no veo series que me perturben, sin embargo 100% recomendada, te trasporta hasta esa época, me despido, sin mas coméntame que te pareció, Besos y Abrazos.


Hasta la próxima publicación, Dios los bendiga.


Greetings my dear friends of the Hive Community, especially dorama lovers. Today I have brought you an Extraordinary series loaded with a lot of hate, love and betrayals, directed by Kim Kyoo-tae, it is MOON LOVERS: SCARLET HEART RYEO YEAR 2016, starring Iu, Lee Joon-gi and Kang Ha-neul among others.


What is it about?

It is about a trip to the past made by Ko Ha jin, who when trying to save a child who has fallen into the water, unable to get afloat, sinks, appearing in the Goryeo reign and transformed into Hae Soo, finding love and betrayal, at a time when a battle of the princes to occupy the throne left by Emperor Taejo will begin.


Personal Opinion

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, is a thrilling series that grips you from beginning to end, you will cry, scream, laugh, all the emotions together, how is it possible to understand some brothers killing each other for the throne, a throne stained with blood.

I loved the plot as they wove the present with a historical past, where a young girl named Ko Ha-jin, was sad and heartbroken by the betrayal of her boyfriend, and as she was under the influence of alcohol tries to save a child who falls into the water, sinking herself and resurrecting in the year 918 in the reign of King Taejo, with the name of Hae Soo and nothing less than in the pool where the princes bathed, I loved the setting, as well as the costumes, I think those costumes must have weighed by the large amount of fabric, excellent acting of all actors without exception, first series I see Iu I found it very sweet, they got fully into their characters.


With an excellent chemistry between Hae Soo (Iu) and Wang So (Lee Joon-gi), although I will tell you that Kang Ha-neul as the Eighth Prince Wang Wook, also transmits love for Hae Soo, only that at the time when she needed him he turned his back on her and his heart fell in love with Wang So.

It is a story of fiction and fantasy based on real events, as Wang So was the fourth son of King Taejo, he ruled and married his half-sister Queen Daemok, and then his niece.


With an ending really with a lot of questions, did he govern well? Did she know she had a daughter? and did she feel lonely after her return? We won't know that unless a second season comes out.

Well friends this series left me heartbroken, empty, in shock, I cried, I cried so much, I still do not recover, for this reason I do not watch series that disturb me, however 100% recommended, it transports you to that time, I say goodbye, without further comment me what you thought, Kisses and Hugs.


Until the next publication, God bless you.

Diseño elaborado en / Design elaborated in Canva
Texto traducido por / Text translated by DeepL
Fuente de las Imagenes / Images Source IMDb


I remember watching this some years ago and as a very big long time fan of Kdrama, I know for a fact that this Kdrama is one of the best historical drama that was released in 2016.

I also like the original soundtracks used in the song. They were genuinely captivating.

I'm glad you also enjoyed this show.


Thank you @kenechukwu97 for your comment, yes it is a spectacular series loaded with a lot of emotion in all its chapters.


Lee joon gi💖💖


Hola @noemilunatorta, verdad que esta muy guapo, estoy enamorada de unos cuantos actores asiáticos entre ellos Lee Dong-wong, Lee Jong-suk, Hwang In-yeop, Byeon Woo-seok y Gong Yoo.


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I loved your review, for me it has been one of the most beautiful k-dramas I have seen, maybe a little unfair the ending, but all in all a wonderful production, with an excellent cast.chanchan


Hi @graciel-chan, thanks for your comment, it's a really excellent series, I would have liked another ending too.