When a movie reminds you of your youth

Last night we were at the cinema

We watched a domestic movie "Nedelja" about the life of our folk music singer Džej Ramadanovski (1964-2020).
I probably wouldn't have gone to see that movie, but I was with my friends (from the area where I lived on, near Dorćol) the weekend, who told me that they had seen the movie and that they liked it.
We bought tickets, bought popcorn and settled in to watch a movie.
I didn't know what to expect from the movie.
I knew movie was talking about Džej life, but not about what period...
The plot of the film begins in 1976 when Džej is a little boy and follows his life until the moment of his great popularity in 1991.
Considering the subject and plot of this film as well as where the film takes place, Belgrade, Dorćol, it is not at all interesting to recommend in the #movie community, but the emotion that the film produced in me was the trigger for today's story, here in #reflections community...

The beginning of the film: Dorćol, year 1976. The part of the city where I lived from birth until 2015. Well-known streets, well-known passages between buildings, cafes and parks.
Returned me to the past and the memory of the old neighborhood.
The penitentiary to which Džej was sent, my high school: "Nikola Tesla".
In the frame, the school yard with a football and basketball court where I spent 4 years... School corridors, staircases and front doors... Bring back memories...

His growing up on the street reminds me of my growing up with my friends on the street.
To the mischief we did. To the first parties, the first fights, the first loves...

And then at some point in the movie the music starts... Because this is a movie about Džej, who is a singer... Songs that I listened to as a kid in 1989, 1990, 1991... As well as later years.
Emotionally touched, I quietly hum well-known lines in the cinema...

But it is not possible that the time of my youth reminds me only of good moments, considering that the action of the film takes place in 1991.
In those years, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, where I lived, led to a bloody civil war.
Because of the large amount of weapons in the region, the former criminals, the guys from the Belgrade asphalt who proved their strength with their fists, are arming themselves.
A large number of clans and street gangs are emerging in Belgrade, which make our city a real arena for mutual reckoning... Every day we listened to reports on the news about conflicts between robbers and criminals, drug dealers, arms dealers, pimps and killers...
It was very difficult to live in Belgrade in those years, and to be a 15-year-old boy.

The rise of crime led to the decline of moral values, honest work ceased to be appreciated, and jobs that brought easy money became popular.
Instead of pop and rock music before 1990, the era of turbo folk music begins.
Schund and kitsch at every step... Instead of going to the houses of culture, the theater and the library, young people become role models for criminals who promote night life, gambling houses and casinos, strip bars, rafts...

When I just remember all the events of my youth, I cry with sadness and anger.

When I add to that a positive emotion because of the music I love and the memories of the neighborhood where I lived, I can say that it was worth watching the movie.

Would I recommend it? Very likely to everyone my age, who was born in Belgrade and who loves the music performed by Džej.

Have you been this emotionally touched by a movie you've seen recently?
Which movie is it, would you recommend it only to the residents of the location where it was filmed or is it interesting for everyone else to watch as well?


I like it when a movie reaches inside and takes hold; I find my tastes in movies is changing and I am less tolerant of the mainstream, manufactured-for-a-market type movies. There's a few I've seen recently that have left an impression. Ex Machina is one and Testament of Youth is another.


I like movies with the theme of World War I. I'll post my impressions when I find time to watch it.


It's not so much about the war...well it is, but she was a pacifist (due to her experiences in the war) and that's more what it's about. I love the movie, worth a watch.


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