Castillo De San Marcos

Built in the late 1600's, Castillo de San Marcos is the oldest masonry fort in the continental US. It's a favorite spot of mine to photograph when I visit St. Augustine, even though I have only been inside it once or twice. The entire area surrounding the fort is wide open for tourists and when I went last Saturday it was bustling with tons of people.

But that didn't deter me from taking a few shots with the Frau. I even took a few with her sister the Contessa, but those will have to be developed later when I finish the roll!

The fort has changed hands five times between the Spanish, the British, the US, and the Confederates. The flag here is the Burgundian Saltire, which would have been the first flag flown over the fort. I was trying to capture the bird atop the tower but alas my development screwed up the sky a bit and it's hard to see.

One of the coquina bastion walls.

I am legitimately surprised how well the sky turned out with an unfiltered, uncoated lens. I thought clouds were supposed to blend together into a white nothingness. I guess I was wrong.

The fort offers a great view of the Matanzas Bay. This totally makes sense, the Spanish would not have been great fort builders if they built it without a good view of the bay.

I tried not to get people in the shots, but seeing as it was a ridiculously crowded Saturday that was a virtually impossible task.

Perhaps they add scale to the fort. It's not a massive structure at all. Though from what I have read, the ground level was six feet lower when it was built, so those walls would have been even more of a challenge to scale, er, climb.

I hope you liked these as much as I liked taking them!

Camera: Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 530
Film: Kentmere 400 120
Developed in Caffenol as always and scanned with the Epson V600.


S. D. G.




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