Film Review: Evolution (2001)



It could be quite frustrating for an actor to be associated almost exclusively with a single role, even if that role brings fame and wealth. David Duchovny was in that situation after become great star by playing Fox Mulder in The X-Files. Like many of his colleagues, he tried by starring in something different, but such efforts in Evolution, 2001 science fiction comedy directed by Ivan Reitman, weren’t exactly successful.

Plot begins in Arizona desert which is hit by an unusual meteor. The event is witnessed by aspiring firefighter Wayne Gray (played by Sean William Scott) and later investigated by two scientists from nearby community college – biology teacher Dr. Ira Kane (played by Duchovny) and geologist Harry Phineas Block (played by Orlando Jones). Two of them collect samples of unusual matter on the meteorite and bring them to the lab. They soon discover that the matter is made of single-cell organisms. Joy over discovery of extraterrestrial life is soon tempered with realisation that the same samples soon begin to contain multi-cellular organisms. Two scientists conclude that the matter evolves into higher life forms with incredible speed. The meteor crash site is soon taken over by US military led by Brigadier General Russsell Woodman (played by Ted Levine). Dr. Allison Reed (played by Julianne Moore), CDC expert sent to scene, isn’t willing to co-operate with Kane and Block. Soon, previously quiet Arizona is being besieged by grotesque alien beasts. Kane and Block know that they can fight alien life form only if they rely on themselves.

If Duchovny’s idea was to disassociate himself from The X-Files, Evolution represented a very strange choice, since the plot looked very much like a typical episode of the show. But the real force behind the film was director and co-producer Ivan Reitman, who was at the time desperately trying to restore old Ghostbusters glory. Many critics have found similarities with Reitman’s popular comedy, namely in the plot dealing with marginalised scientists having to save the world despite sceptical authorities. Reitman in this particular case didn’t have very inspired cast. Duchovny at times can be quite wooden and character of Dr. Ira Kane isn’t different. Julianne Moore also seems rather disinterested in her role. All that is, however, compensated with hyperactive Orlando Jones who establishes strong “buddy buddy” dynamic with Duchovny. Other members of the cast are also quite good, including Levine, Scott and Reitman’s old associate David Aykroyd in the role of Arizona governor. Despite aiming for the family audience, Reitman was bold enough to fill Evolution with humour which isn’t always “politically correct”. Although quite tame in comparison with Farrelly Brothers films, those scenes look refreshing and the deliberately poor special effects pay a lot of homage to 1950s science fiction classics. Although not exactly memorable, Evolution will provide solid entertainment to those who watch it.

RATING: 5/10 (++)

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Great film to watch if you don't want to have to think too hard about it!


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All you could hear around there was “guac, guac, guac, guac.”

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My gosh! great comedy and lots of laughs guaranteed.
The best part without a doubt is the mall. COCOOOO TUKI TUKI 🤣