The Last Summoner Review (Episodes 1-6) – This is some... odd animation.



Ah Jie, a young and reclusive cook, accidentally summons the spirit of Duola. After convincing him to make a contract with her, the two end up getting involved in a fight between two groups of Summoners, The Watchers and The Destroyers. It... is pretty obvious who the good guys are supposed to be here. As the show goes on, a small group of summoners begins to come together to fight against the Destroyers.

Characters are given no time to breathe.


I am going to quickly go over what happens with Hana, one of the summoners, to highlight the pacing of this show relating to its characters. She is introduced and, after losing to the hero, says she will be keeping an eye on him. The next character comes in and she gets in a fight with Meow, another Summoner. After Ah Jie stops the fight and refuses to turn Meow over, she declared him an enemy. Then he is invited to her manor by the father and they are all now on the same page. After a sneak attack by the Destroyers and Hana is in a coma, Ah Jie Declares the that despite the numerous times they were in conflict, he is going to seek revenge for her.

That... is not an in-depth story that justified that level of commitment from Ah Jie. Interacted three times before now. The relationships all feel rushed and forced, so the intended emotion never comes across. I skipped nothing in the description I gave.

Fights are stupid.


The fights make little sense and this is the best example. Ah Jie has put up a barrier about to break any second under the fire of pursuing enemy machine spirits, and they break out their big guns. Rather than simply destroy the barrier, and considering the number of them they could easily wipe out the car our heroes are driving away in with ease, they instead blow up the bridge ahead of them.

This happens to drop them down to where Stan had essentially stored their own Mech to fight with. This allowed the heroes to win the fight. There is no reason this should have been a victory as the mech isn't faster than Meow was, and the problem was no one could land a hit on the enemy due to speed and positioning. And Stan certainly wasn't doing anything clever in the fight, the enemy just decided not to dodge now.

Why the animation looks off


It took me a while to figure out why the show is unpleasant to watch in motion because it doesn't seem like the animation is bad. But the more I looked at it, the more like began looking like nothing was being animated in the same area. Even when multiple things are on the screen at the same time, it doesn't feel like they share the same environment, almost like animations were done separately and plopped into the same scene without any sense of cohesion.

It's really hard to describe what it looks like in words.

Overall Thoughts


This is just not good. After six episodes nothing interesting happens, I don't care about any of the characters, and I don't even have any good visual candy to keep me hooked. And the worst part is I really can't think of anything positive to say. It's rare this happens, but I can't see any reason why anyone would want to keep watching this one, so I can't give it a recommendation even as a 'So bad it's good', because it doesn't even have the decency to be that bad.


You are right about the animation. In that photo it looks as if the girl had been drawn on top of it, as if it were superimposed. It's very strange that they do that, unless they want to give an aspect of depth, God knows what for.