Madagascar. (Eng-Esp)
Hello friends, a big hello to everyone, today I want to talk to you about a very nice animated film, this one is called Madagascar.
Who hasn't seen these cartoons? They are actually surprisingly funny. Every time I see them, they make me laugh like a little girl, hahaha.
Today was like the 10th time I've seen them because my kids love them, and I decided to tell you about them. All of the characters were meticulously created, but the one I've always liked the most is Melman the giraffe, always with his fears and insecurities but with his deepest feelings towards Gloria, who is his true love.
Martin and Alex are best friends forever, until they come across a herd of zebras where they are all identical. That's when their self-esteem problems begin, and Marty doesn't recognize him.
And what about the penguins? Crazy, funny, and even bandits, they are a threat if they want to be, hahaha.
They drive cars, fly planes, and even boats, and they also know how to fight like trained ninjas. 🤣🤣🤣Without lying, they made me laugh a lot.
In short, the film is about a group of animal friends who meet at the Central Park Zoo in New York, where they escape to go in search of Marty who left to fulfill his dream of traveling to Africa. On their journey they go through several adventures until they reach Madagascar, where we can meet more funny animals like King Julian and all the other lemurs, among others.
Without further ado, I leave you with the trailer for this film, it is an excellent proposal to share a Sunday with the family.
I hope you enjoy it.
I send you a big hug, success and blessings.
Hola amigos, un saludo bien grande para todos, hoy quiero hablarles de una película animada muy bonita, esta se llama Madagascar.
Quien no ha visto estos dibujos animados, en realidad son sorprendentemente cómicos, cada vez que los veo me hacen reír como si fuera una niña, jajajaja.
Hoy fue como la 10ma ves que los veo porque a mis hijos les encanta, y me animé a comentarles. Todos sus personajes fueron meticulosamente creados, pero el que más me gusta de siempre es Melman la jirafa, siempre con sus miedos e inseguridades pero con sus sentimientos mas profundos hacia Gloria, siendo esta su verdadero amor.
Marty y Álex mejores amigos hasta siempre, hasta que se encuentran con una manada de cebras donde todos son idénticos, es cuando comiezan los problemas de autoestima, además que Martín no lo reconoce.
Y que me dicen de los pingüinos, locos, comicos y hasta bandidos, son una amenaza si se lo proponen, jajajaja
Manejan carros, pilotean avión y hasta un barco, ademas de saber luchar como ninjas entrenados.🤣🤣🤣Sin mentir, ellos me sacaron muchas carcajadas.
Resumiendo a largos rasgos, la película trata de unos amigos animales que se encuentran en el Zoológico de Central Park en Nueva York, donde escapan para ir en busca de Marty que se fue para cumplir su sueño de viajar a África. En su viaje atraviesan varias aventuras hasta que llegan a Madagascar, donde podemos conocer mas animales cómicos como el Rey Julián y todos los demás lémures, entre otros.
Sin mas, les dejo el trailer de este filme, es una excelente propuesta para compartir un domingo de familia.
Espero la disfruten.
Les mando un fuerte abrazo, éxitos y bendiciones.
I have watched this movie countless of times.. I love it
Hola amiga, a mi también me encanta, es maravillosa❤️
Childhood movie will stay in my mind forever
The classic I'm black with white stripes or white with black stripes, are comic questions within the film but represents very well the existential conflict of people that in fact affects both the world of cinema and all this uncontrolled and deviant inclusion that affects so many films.
Yes it is very funny, also the detail of the penguins in my case my favorite, is so much that they had series haha etc, is a jewel this film to see with family or without it too haha.... comes out ahasta better to see it like this 😂
Yes, the jurafa reached many because it connects with mchos, who has not gone through that love that we see from afar and do not say anything for fear haha, a great character extremely funny that lives in fear but is the bravest, time did not remember it, this gives me encouragement to review it too 😎
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