Weekend-Engagement 175: My hobby is part of my life and it makes me happy

Hello friends, great weekend for everyone, as always I hope you are feeling very well, as usual I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive since I want to do a marathon with the series Riverdale, it is its last season and I want to see how to finish everything, anyway, today, as is already a habit, I come to leave you my contribution to this weekend's Weekend-Engagement, the topic I chose to develop was to explain what is the most fun part of my weekends , I hope you enjoy it and take your time to read it, so without anything else to add I will start directly with the topic:

I have already mentioned it before in other publications but very superficially, I am a big fan of TV or streaming series and of course movies, in fact I have a small personal goal which is to try to watch all the old movies and keep them up to date. today are considered cult and although no matter how many films I have seen so far, there are always many more to see, that is not really an impediment for me because I am a big fan of consuming that multimedia content, I feel that the saddest day of my life will be when there are no longer good films to see, although in a way that doesn't matter to me because although I consider that the world of cinema is in a constant decline, I also believe that from time to time quite decent productions are achieved, I consider myself an inveterate film buff and I don't There is nothing that makes me happier than to alleviate the frustrations of the whole week a little by putting on a good movie or watching a marathon of some series all weekend. I know that happiness is subjective and for me it means lying in my bed. with my girlfriend while we watch something, it is a feeling that fills me with great joy and makes me forget all the problems of the week even if it is for a short period.

I still remember when I started to become fond of audiovisual productions, it was in mid-2010. At that time I was 16 years old and my only hobby at that time was playing video games. I was a big fan of strategy games like Age Of Empires or Warcraft 3, but I remember Once while browsing the TV channels I saw an advertisement for a series called Dexter. I was so captivated by the premise of the series that it didn't take me long to look for it and watch it in full. In fact, Dexter was the first series I saw in my life and That in a way changed my world.

Little by little I began to look for other series and I remember having found the legendary Breaking Bad, that series completely changed my perception of series, it addicted me to such a point that I watched up to 6 or 7 episodes a day and so little by little I began to go adding series to my list to watch and at the same time I began to completely forget about PC games.

As for movies, it became my habit to look for the best movies rated by critics and watch them to confirm according to my personal criteria whether the critics were right or wrong, in the same way the number of series and movies that I have seen is uncountable, that is quite a vice for me.

In my adult stage, due to routine and work reasons, I have somewhat abandoned my passion for audiovisual content, even so, every weekend I am clear about what I am going to watch, whether it is a series or a movie, so for me there is no There is nothing that bothers me that makes me happier and more relaxed than being able to turn on the television, tune in to a good series or movie and in this way forget about my responsibilities for a short period of time, for me that is a perfect ending. weekend, I always have something to watch and throughout the week I am very anxious for the weekend to arrive so I can get home, rest a little and thus be able to watch my precious series or movies, it is my concept of happiness in its maximum splendor I know that for many my notion of happiness is something that can be interpreted as something simplistic but honestly I have always considered myself a simple man with simple tastes, I never get too complicated.

As always I hope you liked my contribution this weekend, coincidentally while I write, edit and upload this post I am also watching a movie, I really don't lose any chance of my weekend to catch up with all the content audiovisual that I like to see, it is part of my personality, as always thanks for stopping by, see you next weekend, until next time.

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

_ All the photographs shown are my property_
