13 Reasons Why - A dead girl's story

I haven’t been able to start a new TV Series because apparently, finishing your favorite Tv Series and starting a new one is as hard as giving a new talking stage a chance after just having your heart broken.

For the past 1 week, I’ve majorly been occupied with offline activities, so I’ve been doing movies as a sort of relief at night. When I say movies, I actually mean a TV show - 13 Reasons Why.

Image taken from source and edited by me in canva

About The Movie

The series revolves around the events leading to the suicide of Hannah Baker, a troubled Teen at Liberty High. She tells the story of her suicide and all the players that contributed to her decision in 13 tapes. These tapes are the 13 Reasons Why she committed suicide.

Image taken from source

The story shows some real-life crises teenagers are known to go through like loneliness, depression, drugs, sexual assault, and relationship drama. It really touches on what teens go through in their High School lives.

My thoughts and comments

I’ve seen sooo many series but this one takes the fucking cup for the most fucked up!

I screamed manipulation a lot throughout only the first two seasons I’ve seen. Maybe manipulation is not the word I want to use, but what word do you call forcing people who made mistakes to listen to their mistakes on tape and accuse them of their mistakes leading to something they had no control over?

Image taken from source

I admit that Hannah has really been through it, but that is just how life is. High school is tough. Life is shitty. People fuck you over. Life gets lonely. You get heartbroken and played, over and over again. But that doesn’t mean you make a tape forcing everyone that did something you didn’t like to you to listen to their part in your death and then slit your wrist and fucking bleed out.

Like I totally get it. Yeah, they all did some fucked up things, but in the end, you allowed yourself to get played. She was responsible for her death just as much as everyone else.

To be honest, I felt like Hannah overreacted and over-dramatized certain things in her story. She just let herself fall into self-pity and offed herself to get the attention and pity she didn’t get before. Some people are not going to agree here, and I totally get them. I felt so sorry for her at certain parts of the story that I almost overlooked it myself.

Image taken from source

What annoys me in almost every episode is how Clay’s judgy self-righteous ass takes it upon himself to play Avengers and try to serve each of the 13 what they deserve. And how he just gets mad at people on the tapes without listening to the full story yet. “Making my own justice?” Yeah right. Like bro, they’re all a bunch of people who made mistakes. Oh and btw, I haven’t gotten to Clay’s own tape yet. I know he’s going to be painted the Hero something, but I’m really hoping he did something bad too that pushed Hannah 6 feet under. Then I’ll see if he’ll serve himself a big chunk of the justice he’s dishing out.

But one thing I figure, if the story could bring out this much emotion, they did a damn good job telling it, even if it made me want to break my laptop screen. The last time a movie made me feel this much anger was Kara Sevda (Endless Love) when I had it with Zeynep! My friends, whom I recommended that series couldn’t get past the first few episodes because of how mad the story got them.

One thing I’d say this movie has done is that it’s opened my mind more to treating people nicely. It stresses a lot that saying that we should be kind to people cos we don’t know what’s going on in their lives. The people we think are the happiest could be the ones struggling the most. Who would’ve thought that sweet innocent Hannah had suicide on her mind?

Just one simple conversation and act of kindness could’ve swayed her decision and made her choose life, even with all the shit that was going on with her.

Image taken from source

Another important thing the series stressed was accountability. Owning up to your shit. Even after listening to the tapes, most of the 13 were still in denial about what they did (or what had been done to them in Jess's case) until it became imminent that the truth was going to come out and they'll have to face it.

This review like most of the ones I do is really just my commentary on the series, specifically on the first two seasons. I'll do a retake after I'm done with the entire thing. If you loved Euphoria or All The Bright Places, you'll probably want to check this out.


I only liked the first season, and after the second everything loses sense and in the third season it is not even the shadow of what was the first.


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about thre third season. Not sure exactly what the problem with it is though. I guess I’ll find out soon.


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The things we go through whiles growing up> Well, I think I'll like this movie. I know whilst watching am gonna get angry as shit. Yh, I love to judge the characters in a movie without knowing the full story but I know the first few episodes will definitely make me side with the deceased.


Sit a few meters away from your screen when you start or you’ll have to pay for a new screen by the time you’re done😂


I really didn't see myself watching any of the two. There's no humor and no action. Just some emotional stuffs and all. Y'all try for watching this. Hahaha. Anyways it's personal preference. For any TV series, it's mostly about action, adventure and humor for me.


Yeah for me, I’m mostly about SciFi. But once a while when I’m bored, I give about anything a chance. When I’m watching these types of movies, chances are that I’m either in a very bad place or that I’m very bored. I was bored this time. Lol

If you’re interested in humor and action, then you’ll love Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson type of movies. Those two are great at what they do.


I watched a TV show called Lucifer, it was certainly one of the best I'd ever seen. I'm more into TV shows. However, sometimes when there are nothing exciting to watch, we basically stick to shows we might not originally fancy.


Lucifer. I think I’ve heard about it before. I’m reserving that and Constantine for a special time. It seems the stories in the two cross over some times.


Of course, you should see it, you'd never regret it .


Sounds like a good movie. Will surely add it in my to watch lists