Well, I Bought Some More Hive - and Other Randomness


Greetings and salutations Hivers. So Hive is down to 18 cents. And I just bought some more. Actually I bought some more the other day when it was near 0.25. I thought that was a pretty good deal. Now it's an even better deal! So I am buying more.

You'll remember a few weeks ago I wrote Well, I Bought More Hive, using the phrase that I remembered so well from one of our big whales back in the Steem days when he was constantly buying. I always liked the confidence that phrase suggests. Misplaced confidence, perhaps, overly optimistic, maybe, but why not, eh? Be bold, as the saying goes, and that line in times like this is a bold one.

So yeah, the markets are in free fall. Stocks and crypto, they are a fallin'. Fun times.


Sorry. I was raised on Bill Murray and have quite the dry sarcastic sense of humor sometimes. I should start putting a warning on my writing. Sarcasm doesn't work very well in text form unless it is expected.


Anyway, I know some of you are just a little worried about the current situation with the fall of BTC and Hive and the impending economic collapse and all. Last night I was talking to some people on Discord about it and I was kind of taken aback by their worry.

Well, this isn't a You Should Laugh More post. Maybe I should do another one of those soon. But here, laugh at this clip from the old Bob Newhart show.

(If the above video doesn't show—as it sometimes doesn't when I post using inleo, see it here)

heh Newhart was such a great straight-man. That show was before my time, but when I was a kid they were always playing it in reruns, so I became a fan. It stands up remarkably well.

Anyway, I bought Hive. And I will keep buying it. At least until my wife notices and yells at me about how we need that money for the house or groceries or something. Bah... women stuff. Hive is more important. But I know she won't accept my argument.

Accurate picture of when my wife sees our bank book

Provided society doesn't collapse, I think the best is yet to come with Hive. We have a great technology, we have an amazing network. @dan designed it well, and our witnesses have done a pretty good job improving it since then. Now we have many old faces returning. Something is in the air and I think Hive's time is coming.

Or... I could be full of nonsense. Who knows. But I am going to keep gambling on Hive. If you are with me, this is a great price to get some more.

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at laspina.org. Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I approach stocks similarly. I invest in a diverse range of mutual funds and then mostly leave them alone. Since I'm still relatively young, I follow a similar strategy here: I buy when I can, without stressing too much about the price. If things go well, I could see great returns. If not, that's okay—I'm young and will be fine.


I’ve been converting my HBD to hive…


Hahaha, soon enough your wife will appreciate the time you transferred your money to Hive. Good luck! Have a great day!


I didn't realise it had dropped further. I power down for the first time some months ago and have the liquid stashed away for when Hive moon. Guess now it's time to rebuild my account again


Hmmm, you raise a good point and have definitely planted a seed....

So not really ever paying attention to the ups and downs of the crypto world and never ever having bought any crytpo and only owning the Hive that I have earn't here, should I also be converting my HBD into Hive? What does that do @silverd510?


I'd love to buy some more HIVE too, but most of my other funds are locked up or they have dropped too. It's kind of a bummer. I think this pullback was baked in to be honest and I think we might even see a bigger one before the eventual run up.


I think this will prove to be wise. As long as people are still contributing and building here the odds are in our favor. The way I look at it if we get enjoyment from Hive then everything else that happens is just a bonus.