Seinfeld・You Should Laugh More


Greetings and salutations Hivers. Today I thought we'd do another You Should Laugh More post.

Research has shown that laughter is good for us. It has all kinds of health benefits. Despite most of us knowing this, none of us laugh enough. Yeah, I know, being an adult is tough, and furthermore there is a lot of grim stuff happening in the world. These things may be true, but that just is all the more reason for trying to get a little laughter into our lives.

Today I thought we'd look at some clips from Seinfeld, which was one of the most popular American TV shows of the past 30 years. It ran for 8 seasons and ended when it was still number one in the ratings. The show is often called "The show about nothing". That wasn't necessarily true, as there was always a plot, but the show itself gave that line in a gag in one of the early seasons and the label stuck. The plots were often bizarre and relied on the kind of observational humor that Jerry Seinfeld is famous for to tie the episodes together. It worked very well. While some of the humor can come off as mean-spirited today, most of it still works.

I'm going to try to pick out some clips or clip compilations that sum up the show.

It's Go Time

Let's start with this favorite featuring the great Lloyd Bridges. I believe this clip is combining clips from two different episodes. In them, Jerry managed to offend Bridges and so Bridges and then his entire family challenge Jerry to various feats of strength. The results are great.

Kramer and the Shower

Kramer is the oddball on the show. In this episode he decided his showers were too long so he looked for tips on how to shorten them, but then changed his mind and decided he wanted to live in the shower.

George Becomes a Bad boy

When George who always has women problems becomes a bad boy in the eyes of a woman, he becomes irresistible to her. This episode has one of the most hilarious Seinfeld bits between Elaine and George's father.

Kramer Sells His Story to Peterman

Peterman is writing a book about his life but decides it's not exciting enough so he wants to buy stories of Kramer's life from him.


This is one of the most famous moments on the show, when George is suffering from shrinkage and a woman sees him. The results are hilarious.

Oh I could keep going. The show lasted for 9 seasons so there are tons of funny moments, but that is over 30 minutes of clips in this post so maybe we'll leave it there. If you guys enjoy this maybe I'll do a sequel.

Which of the above is your favorite? If you are a Seinfeld fan, what episode is your favorite? Let me know in the comments.

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

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My brother's in law and I love Seinfeld. I used to sit and watch the reruns every night on TV when I lived with my parents. It's so classic. Alexa has a trivia game dedicated wholly to Seinfeld. I did quite well at it the one time I played.


I did the same. I still sit and watch whenever I happen across a clip on youtube. I have the DVD set at my parent's house and ripped them all so I have them with me now and can watch at any time.


Kramer telling his stories to peterman is awesome. I just watched this for the first time when I was traveling for business. !PIZZA


Kramer and Peterman make such a great combo. Both such ridiculous and over-the-top characters, they bounce off each other perfectly.